4 hour maintenance?

That is what i have been doing lol.

When is the expected time for servers to be back?

i logged in and all the servers are offline…means its soon right??

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2 minutes!!! unless they extend it :slight_smile:

I don’t mind the long maintenance today as long as it will fix the AH (so my wife will stop complaining) and the game freeze,crash.low Fps and high usage after 8.3 patch that Blizzard is denying and that somehow its everyone elses computers fault

Look up the definition of Blizzard’s SOON™.

Incoming extended maintenance TBD.

It’s been like that for some time.

You young whipper-snappers… why-- I remember when maintenance was 6 hours every week! With no main patches! And you were still lucky if it came back online at 11am!

I don’t want to get a life. :frowning:

JK UP now…gg

quick grab loot from your bugged chests before servers go down again!

8.3 is probably the most broken patch Blizzard have released since TBC.

As such, we’re probably going to have downtime every week for the next few months, just like TBC.

Realms are up

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Ah, another man/woman of culture i see.

IKR but it’s flippin raining and always cloudy here.

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Perfect setting for drinking some hot cocoa.

You’d get more downtime overall this way you are suggesting. Sure around new content patches we generally have a bit more downtime. When it comes to a normal reset weekly on Tuesdays it is rarely down for even an hour. Your route would put us down for 70 minutes versus our hour. You’d think after 15 years of Tuesday people would have caught on by now.

Yeah thats why ff14 has maintenance…on top of many other games that aren’t just always online. Its such a small amount of time compared to how many hours a week it is online…its nothing. It is a trivial reason to complain, just to be complaining…