4 hour maintenance?

(points at Blizz) its their fault

In any other business being down for more than 0.001% of the time is a huge issue. It’s 2020 and Blizzard still hasn’t figured out how to manage five 9s on their game servers. For the money Blizzard makes it would be trivial to architecture the infrastructure to support at most a forced logoff when switching active clusters for maintenance and at best no visible difference to the end user.

Try going outside and using the hose, focus on the poop spot.

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…all MMOs have maintenance.Your $15 isn’t to access the game anytime you want to, maintenance be darned. Computers have to be shut do, defrag has to be run, maintenance routines have to be handled, especially for machines that run most of the time…

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wow you even look like a white knight

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What is this outside you speak of, I go to work when its dark and I go home when its dark.

makes you wonder WHAT it is
-Do the servers just REQUIRE it weekly? for technical reasons? to clear caches and RAM and sh*t?
-Does the use of the old code require it? has wow’s code base become a creature of habit?
-Do they do it as a literal time sink? 4 hours x 1 a week x4 weeks a month =like 5-8% more hours played? timegating HCmode haha

la dee da, speculating till servers r up… :smiley: :smiley:

cry more about 12 hr shift work to me, pls.

That’s why other businesses use stuff like high availability clusters. Meaning, taking down one set of servers doesn’t impact the users because there is another set taking over for the ones that are down at that time. Blizzard already has the prerequisites in place such as load balancing since that’s how their current sharding works. There really is no need to have actual downtime visible to end users anymore, unless it simply because you don’t want to invest in it.

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lol the outside is scary, fear the sun.

What’s a “sun”?

go check the mail, might be a super surprise!

Unabomber has been arrested, btw.

This guys has been hilarious throughout the whole thread… Plesae keep posting. It’s mighty fine entertainment for me for the next few hours, lol.

Effort. Maximum.

Kind of reminds me of a kid trying to jump in on every sentence the adults are saying in a conversation. Most of the time we just try to neglect them.


Lemme get that fo fo fo.

You meant 5 hours…

Looks like 6hr

Bottom line isn’t based on uptime. Not like google or amazon where they’re only making money when the service is up.

They have your money already.

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