4 hour maintenance?

Yea, that’d be too good to be true. Devs don’t understand the player-base tho…

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Shut your blasphemous mouth!

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This right here is what worries me.

Why do they need to take down something like Classic Era; it’s static.

Like…what kind of FUBARedness did they do that to work on one version, requires all the versions to be taken offline.

PS: inb4 Dalaran loses its flooring, like WG lost its water. :rofl:


Back away from the tin foil hat!

It could be infrastructure related. Just a hypothetical, because only those that work at Blizz know what tech they use, perhaps they’re upgrading the version of EKS that the game runs on. Or maybe migrating versions of Aurora.

My point is, it might not even be game/code related at all.

They’ve been trying to do this since the dawn of time and never succeeded, not even once. Play DF if you want ‘balance’. Also the never ending pve buffing / nerfing usually has disastrous unintended consequences on pvp.

shut the hell up

Uh. Bro. Wintergrasp, the instance, doesn’t have water and the minimap is just a giant green square in most areas.

Definitely a reason to take all the version down for four hours. We gotta get that fixed asap!


The fact that you’re comparing TBC feral to WOTLK feral tells us all we need to know.

Dont think that needs to be compensated u went there on your own.

And I still can’t ghost wolf inside…

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Cataclysm will fix this.

Good thing I rerolled mage.

and yet they are doing it for retail wow…plus at 66 i took on a lvl 80 dk and beat him…that was back in the day too. pallie in wrath dont need buff…just good players playing them

I mean they aren’t complaining about them being bad they are just far lower on damage than other classes.

Idc either way.

but won’t fix pets…

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