4 days of progressing is Finally over

Spoiler alert - setups and strategy ahead .

Hey guys pipikey here , I’m so excited that I finally complete the blockrock depths pet dungeon on challenge mode and would like to share my experiences .

------Guide----- numbers after pet name is the skill chosen
uncaged pets can easier done by strong vs
stage 1 - make yourself to the arena :stuck_out_tongue:
Horu Cloudwatcher
pets used are
Iron Starlette 1-5-3
Specimen 97 1-2-3
Specimen 97 1-2-3

pretty straight forward fight , Iron Starlette will finish the enemy dragon and just play around with dodge and burrow the rest of the fight.
Therin Skysong
pets used are
Rebellious Imp 1-2-3
Tolai Hare (s/s 357speed) 4-5-6
Lil’Bling 4-5-3

start with Imp, Immolation up then portal away , rabbit will swap in then use dodge and stampede , Imp have to reImmolation at some point , ideally when rabbit dies and repeat first step.
because of how this fight works there a lot of RNG, but your goal is to have Imp doing its job on the back line while apply shatter debuff,and keep an eye for imp hp to make sure he can survive
an aoe from enemy(pet switch may needed), I get a good win rate with this setup.
Alran Heartshade
pets used are
Zoom 4-2-3
Son of Sethe 1-5-3
Bloodstone Tunneler 1-5-3

start with zoom make sure apply Sticky Goo to prevent escape but like I said above there is a bug with enemy Imp’s portal (maybe I’m just missing something…)
he will still get away with 1 round of debuff but not with 2 round left , so be sure to spam that Goo when hes about to portal away . (sometime he will not use portal for some reason .I don’t know but play safe.)
and sometimes he die without cast other Magma Trap but most of the time he will , if that happen switch Son of Sethe in the round when Imp dead and take the stun from enemy idol
there’s a good chance the trap will be triggered while having stun immunity if most thing goes right you should be having 3vs1 at the end and let the Tunneler finish the job.

Zuna Skullcrush
I get to lose this fight like 7 out 10 games… my strategy denfinaly not the proper one, I just have to wish for a lucky hit from ikky 1 ability and not get crited.

pets used are
Stunted Direhorn 4-5-6
ikky 1-2-3
Twlight Clutch-Sister 1-2-6

my goal here is to have pets apply shattered debuff to newly switched in pet from enemy before they die.
if ikky get to do that before he die then thats the game if not gg …
edit: let Twlight Clutch take 2 turns damage then use dodge ablity

start with Direhorn keep shield buff and spam trample then rest of fight as stated above…
Tasha Riley
pets used are
Chitterspine Skitterling (s/s 335 speed) 4-5-6
Lil’bling 4-5-3
Murkalot 1-2-3

I don’t remember exactly what I did there because I was to excited beating this fight knowing final boss is a cake walk and I’ve DONE IT!
one thing for sure I did was to have 2round shattered debuff ready for Murkalot’s big hit.

last boss of the dungeon that can easily be done by Boneshard ikky combo , I used a Macabre Marionete but he never had to battle…

I hope this post is helpful and I can’t wait to see what others have came up .


I’m happy for you, and it’s good of you to share your strategies.

However the large bold text is actually difficult to read, and gives me a headache.
Plain text would be more comprehensible.

I thought not getting the Black Rock Portal was just me for some reason. Guess I will put in a ticket now to see what is happening since I have to do the dungeon for the next several weeks for my tokens; I want my baby voltron kitty.

I commend you guys that man up and go in cold making up your own strategies. I did do that for the Celestial Tournament, but for all the others I have headed over to Xu-Fu’s site and used the crib notes.

Congratulations on your achievement. Very impressive. And the toy we get rocks.

Didn’t intended to bold any letter and had no idea why it does it …after bit play around with editing is actually the – causing it and I’ve replaced them with **