4/9M Ele-Shaman LF Guild

Ultimate Regression on Mal’Ganis is looking to add a few dedicated players to our roster to finish BoD and 8.2. We pride ourselves on clearing raids efficiently with a low time investment and have proven that we are capable of progressing on a 2 day raid schedule each week. We are looking for mature players who are enjoyable to raid with and can keep a stable schedule. We are looking for 3-4 core spots right away to replace people we have been carrying. We also provide Cauldrons and Feasts during raid.

Recruitment needs:
Tank: Any
DPS: Shadow Priest, Mage, Warlock, Warrior, DH, Rogue, Ele Shaman
Healer: Resto Druid, MW Monk, or Holy Paladin

We are always on the lookout for great players. Any exceptional players will be considered regardless of class or spec so you should apply if you feel you would be a good addition to our roster.

About Us:
Ultimate Regression is a Mythic Progression group composed of players with high end progression raiding experience from previous expansions and tiers. We pride ourselves on our drama free environment, which allows us to work on cutting edge bosses without unnecessary strife.

6/9M Mythic BoD with 3% Mekka wipes
6/8 Mythic Uldir
11/11 Mythic Antorus

Raid Schedule:
Mythic BoD: Tuesday and Wednesday 8:15pm-11:30pm CST (6 Total Hours)
Heroic and Normal BoD: Optional Clears on weekends

Contact Information:
Battletag: Boomshizzle#1750 and Hubbabubba#1811

Warfare is a newly formed guild on Turalyon horde!
This guild is formed of previous CE (or close to CE raiders)!!
Raid times are Tuesday-Thursday 9:30-12:30 est :slight_smile:
If this sounds appealing to you feel free to add our recruitment officer on bnet! Vak#11366 :slight_smile:

Hey! Oblivion-Hyjal would love to chat w/ you sometime. Our current progression is 5/9M & 2/2H We raid Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-9:30 PST (Server time). We also have a pretty active mythic+ group as well as some arena players. If you’re interested feel free to reach out to me whenever I’m generally pretty available :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope to speak with you soon!

Pheddi#1889 (bnet)
Çlarus#7994 (discord)

Hi there Miaali!

I’m not sure if you are still searching, if so let us know if we may be a good fit!

Realm: Spirestone
Faction: Alliance
Guild: Addiction
Raid Times: Monday 9-12 EST and Tuesday 9-12 EST (currently looking at changing to Mon and Wed)
Progression: 9/9H & 5/9M BoD

We are a group of friends who like to progress through new content each tier while having fun, joking around, and making many inappropriate jokes. Many of us have raided or played games together for years, but more recently some are struggling to make raids because of real-life conflicts (ADULT STUFF!). This has made progression a bit slow and we are hoping to find a few dps and a healer or swing healer at least to help us continue to progress this tier and going forward.

These would not be bench spots . To get us through for the time being some players are still trying to show up to raids as best as they can, we also have a good alliance with another guild on our server, a few of their players regularly help us out as well.

If this sounds like a possible fit for you, or you have any questions add Arthaniis or Tranquilized:

Battlenet ID: LittleBunny#1730
Discord: Little Bunny Foo#3028

Battlenet ID: Tranquilized#1832

Hey there, if you haven’t found a guild yet then thank you for reading this, if you have then congratz and enjoy you experience!!

Located on Frostmourne

Current Progression: Normal/Heroic BoD Cleared. 1/9M 9/9H 1/2H

Timings: 11:30AM AEST Sunday Afternoon (9:30PM EST Saturday or Sunday 7AM Indian Time)

What we need: DPS! And Maybe Healers!!

If you are looking for a raiding guild but can’t make the commitment to 2-3 day a week raids. Then Season Zero just might be that friendly raiding place you’ve been looking for. We always Raid on Sundays, That is generally when everyone is free. We are looking for anyone who is willing to spend at least 4 or 5 hours on Sunday raiding. We are very a casual guild and alot of our members spend their time helping each other out. We pretty much get AOTC every tier plus a few mythic bosses. In addition to the Sunday raids, we sometimes also do alt runs and achievement runs. Mythic Plus groups also run throughout the week… If you are interested please msg either Me (Pythadin or Battle Tag JWhite#11410) Or our two Guild masters (Eidyia or Errorgon)

Guild: Heroes and Legends
Server: US-Stormrage

Raid Times/Days: Sunday/Monday/Wednesday 9:00pm to 12:00 am EST

Current Progression: 9/9M, 9/9H

Recruitment Contacts: Bnet = TheBlob#1740, Seize#1869

Heroes and Legends was founded at the start of BFA by a core of former hardcore raiders that have once again decided to pursue Mythic Raiding. We were able to obtain 6/8M in Uldir in our first tier of raiding together and are looking to push world top 500 next tier

Our guild has multiple mythic + teams. We regularly run Mythic + on off nights and hang out in discord playing other games together. Consumables are provided by the guild including a 2k daily repair allowance for raiders.


All raiders are expected to have researched Boss strategies prior to raid nights.

Addon requirements: Angry Assignments, Weak Auras, RCLootCouncil, DBM/Big Wigs.

80% attendance or better and notifying an officer if a raid will be missed

We run loot council on non needed loot (you keep your personal loot and decide if you want to put it up for the officers to give to someone else in the group) making RCLootCouncil as previously mentioned, a must have addon. Loot is distributed on a merit based system accounting for player performance, attendance, reliability etc. We often times will discuss awards with the guild during raid if there are differing opinions on the council.

Help with sales! We regularly run heroics/mythic 10+ to make the guild and ourselves some coin.

Be social! Our guild loves to hang out in discord with each other beyond just playing WoW. A lot of us play other games together (League of Legends, Ring of Elysium, Battlefield etc). Most of our recruits that have done well put forth an effort to socialize with members. It’s always better to raid with friends than strangers :slight_smile:

We’re looking for more talented players for 8.2