Ultimate Regression on Mal’Ganis is looking to add a few dedicated players to our roster to finish BoD and 8.2. We pride ourselves on clearing raids efficiently with a low time investment and have proven that we are capable of progressing on a 2 day raid schedule each week. We are looking for mature players who are enjoyable to raid with and can keep a stable schedule. We are looking for 3-4 core spots right away to replace people we have been carrying. We also provide Cauldrons and Feasts during raid.
Recruitment needs:
Tank: Any
DPS: Shadow Priest, Mage, Warlock, Warrior, DH, Rogue, Ele Shaman
Healer: Resto Druid, MW Monk, or Holy Paladin
We are always on the lookout for great players. Any exceptional players will be considered regardless of class or spec so you should apply if you feel you would be a good addition to our roster.
About Us:
Ultimate Regression is a Mythic Progression group composed of players with high end progression raiding experience from previous expansions and tiers. We pride ourselves on our drama free environment, which allows us to work on cutting edge bosses without unnecessary strife.
6/9M Mythic BoD with 3% Mekka wipes
6/8 Mythic Uldir
11/11 Mythic Antorus
Raid Schedule:
Mythic BoD: Tuesday and Wednesday 8:15pm-11:30pm CST (6 Total Hours)
Heroic and Normal BoD: Optional Clears on weekends
Contact Information:
Battletag: Boomshizzle#1750 and Hubbabubba#1811