Redefined is adding to its roster for Heroic BoD raiding and Mythic+ content in BFA. Currently we are recruiting Heals and DPS to the raiding roster. We are also offering an invitation for those returning or looking for a social guild. All types of players are welcome, whether you’re an every-day player or a new or returning player looking to get back into pve or looking to pve for the first time.
A bit about the guild: Redefined was a hardcore progression guild from Vanilla through the middle of Cata. As all guilds we slowly turned more casual through the following xpacs. We are an adult oriented guild, most members are over 30. We are recruiting in hopes of recapturing some of that nostalgia of a true guild of friends that we had back in Vanilla through Wrath. You know, people you just enjoy playing with.
While we aren’t going for CE or hardcore mythic progression, we are pushing AOTC progression, and Meta. I mean who doesn’t like mounts?
Raid times will be 2 days a week, Tues & Weds 8-11 CST.
If you have any questions, leave a comment, or you can reach me on Bnet: Charmless#1847 Discord: Charmless#0890
Thanks for your time