4/8M LFM Rdps for rebranding of hardcore

Crimson Onslaught is a guild of highly skilled players that push all levels of content from Mythic & Heroic raiding to PvP battle groups, Mythic+, and even transmog competitions. We are a guild of family and friends that have merged on Thrall nearly three years ago to have fun and push content to the highest level.

We’re currently recruiting skilled players that want to invest into the guild and be part of our community for many expansions to come. We run the guild based on the old school platform of investing into one another. No raid tier guild hoppers, elitist, or loot junkies…we’re a family and we invest into each other! Every raid tier we acquire AoTC with at least mid-tier Mythic success. Our goal is to eventually start pushing Cutting Edge as we strengthen our ranks. If interested or want more info, contact us below!

Group 1 – Blood Guard – Raids Tuesday and Wednesday and Sunday from 7:30pm to 10:30pm eastern,. Blood Guard is hardcore with more focus on progression. We are a family and have respect for one another and try to help one another achieve the same goal. We’ve been more middle of the road mythic with the goal of one day achieving Cutting Edge.

Group 2 – Stone Guard – Raids Tuesday and Thurday from 7:45pm to 10:00pm eastern and is a group that is growing fast and looking to push mythic in the next teir.But is farming herico this teir.

The guild is very active in game and in discord! Members are daily, pushing keys, running lower difficulty raids, running alts, pushing PvP ratings, or just simply relaxing and talking. A lot of time you’ll find members relaxing in discord, listening to music, and having fun just enjoying the community we offer.

Group 1 – Blood Guard
Thetom – Guild Recruiter – thebktom#1536
Miogy – Raid Leader – DemonDeacon#1376
Hulk – Guild Leader - Onslaught#12212

Group 2 – Stone Guard
Zimi – Assit guild Leader – Zeme#1481
Hulk – Guild Leader - Onslaught#12212
xianmisuto- Stone Raid leader ragegasm#1732

Guild & Server: <Crimson Onslaught>Thrall horde Raid Times/Days:Tuesday/Wednesday/Sunday 7:30-10:30pm EST. Sunday added next tier. Current Progresion: 4/8M 8/8H Recruitment Contacts: Bnet thebktom#1536 Onslaught#12212 Requirements:ilvl 370+ with logs, going hardcore next tier mythic starting asap! aiming for cutting edge! Needs: RDPS Also taking any exceptional players regardless of role. please add on bnet