My current guild has called quits on pushing Mythic raids and I would like to pursue more progression to go forward I am looking for a new guild to raid with.
Willing to server transfer to a guild with approximately equal progression.
I have been playing since BC. Lots of experience in raiding from WotLK onwards.
My availability around 8-11pm Oceanic Server time any day of the week and I can ensure a 100% raid attendance.
Outside of raid I enjoy being social, doing m+ keys, helping out friends with normal/heroic Uldir, levelling and other Games that are not WoW.
On warcraftlogs:
Bnet: Illdiaze#1384
Add me up lets chat and schedule a trial or leave a reply here with contact info
Caffeinated on Saurfang are currently 2/8 mythic and are looking for some additional players to bolster our team. We raid 8-11 AEDST (Server Time) Wednesday and Thursday. If you’re still looking for a new home feel free to add me on Discord @Tyriall #6074 to have a chat.