4/8 BM hunter LF guild at least 4/8M


I am currently searching for a new guild to raid Mythic with for the next tier. Current gear is 384-387 depending on the fight and level 40 Heart of Azeroth. My current raid experience this tier is 4/8M also with ~30 pulls on Mythic Mythrax with a guild that was consistently getting out of the first transition phase.

Feel free to take a look at Moagli-Zul’jin for my logs(Willing to realm transfer immediately):


Weekdays: early mornings/graveyard shift
Weekends: evenings


Thanks and have a great day!

We are looking to pick up a Hunterr/RDPS spot open, CE Mythic Raiding Guild <Concept>, check us out. If you like what you see, lets chat!