3rd Ancient clue for "Buried Tweasure" not showing despite having completed everything

Yes, even the Dragon Flight portion where you go to Tenaris. The 3rd Clue outside ZF just will not show up… I’ve disabled all addons, restarted, abandoned and re-grabbed the quest multiple times, I’ve walked over with the torch lit, I’ve walked over and lit the torch…

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I am having the same issue also.

Where precisely are you looking?

If you’re looking within the stone enclosure, that’s wrong. The note is outside the enclosure, close to the wall, on the west side.

Fixed I hearthed to Dornogol and logged off and went on another character for about 20-30 minutes, when I went back it worked. It may be a server issue or phasing.

I am outside, I can see where people are coming while I wait and they are able to pick it up. My torch even glows brighter when I get close but it doesn’t show the item.