Armor sets using new tech from Legion and BFA have been suffering bugs with broken or wrong textures, missing 3D armor geodes, and missing set pieces. These are sets that predominantly use the new 3D armor pieces introduced in Legion. Its my intention to catalog all of the issues with these armor sets in one thread instead of cluttering the board with multiple threads.
LEGION SETS___________________________________
Eagletalon Battlegear (Hunter Set)This issue seems effect only male orcs. The 3d gauntlet appears to be tied to the pants for the male orcs instead of the gloves right now.
Dreadwyrm Battleplate & Vindictive Gladiator's Dreadplate ArmorThis bug only effects male undead. The special glow effect for the boots appear to be missing for them.
Regalia of the Skybreaker (Shaman Set)The waist plates for this set wont show due to a result of a change in how 3D armor pieces are displayed with overlapping armor pieces like robes.
Xuen's Battlegear (Monk Set)Quoting from the thread
09/25/2018 06:32 AMPosted by
This issue has been reported on since a Beta build in June and made it to pre-patch, and the launch patch as well.
The Tomb of Sargeras Monk Tier set Xuen's Battlegear's chest piece [Xuen's Tunic] or any variants such as the [Cruel Gladiator's Ironskin Tunic] are currently bugged and any equiped gloves cause the elbow guards at the back to become hidden. You can see the elbow guards return if you fully unequip anything on the glove slot.
Gravewarden's Armaments/Cruel Gladiator's Dreadplate (Death Knight Set)The eye colors for decorative skulls on the normal/pvp versions of this set for the gauntlets, chest, leggings, and boots appear to be missing.
Runebound Regalia/Silk Gladiator's Silk Armor (Mage Set)****
As Anlevrastus reported, the head piece on male undead is currently bugged and improperly placed on their head. I also discovered the 3d sleeves are also bugged for male humans specifically.
Dreadwake Armor (Death Knight Set)This set has a few issues that still persist. The texture issues with the gauntlets were fixed though, so happy to see that.
The armor gems found on the leg and boot armor are missing the 3D armor art assets. Seems the 3D gem models have been pretty much removed, and Im not sure if this was intended or not. Examples below are what was removed for the mythic set.
Normal Set
Elite/Mythic Set (preBFA)
The leg armor 3d piece only present on the Elite Fierce Gladiator Dreadplate Legguards (preBFA).
The helmet glow effect is also the improper color of blue instead of red for the elite set.
Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel (Rogue Set)The only issue with this set is the matching shoes for this set is missing for the LFR, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties.
Juggernaught Battlegear/Fierce Gladiator's Plate Armor (Warrior Set)The hip plates for the belt have gone missing. This issue effects this gearset for all difficulties. I have posted further feedback in the link below with screenshots of the issue.
World Defiler's Plate Set (Argus Set)The 3D armor piece for the boots of this set has disappeared with the release of BFA.
BATTLE FOR AZEROTH SETS_______________________________________
Dread Gladiator's Chain (Horde Elite)
Battle for AzerothThe elite version of the mail pants for this set is missing the 3D armor Pieces for the knees, as seen by this NPC.
Dread Gladiator's Plate (Alliance Elite)
The Alliance Elite Dread Gladiator plate set has a REALLY big issue with how they look and work on worgen. The foot plating isnt even on their feet, and their pants clip through the 3D armor pieces on the thighs. This effects both male and female models. The shoe issue has been fixed on the 8.1 PTR. The leg plates, however, still has major clipping issues.
The Elite Dread Gladiator's Plate Girdle is currently bugged for human males. The leather strap that is behind the lionhead belt buckle seems to be anchored to a certain point instead of to the male model itself, causing it to stretch whenever the model's animation deviates from that position.
Dread Gladiator's Leathers
Horde: The pants for the set is currently using the wrong texture/model.
Alliance: As stated below, the 3D armor piece is missing the 3D armored elbow piece for the elite set, as shown in Varedon's link.
What it should be:
As seen in game:
Heritage Armor Sets_________________________________
The Dark Iron and Mag'har Orc heritage armor sets currently have issues with their sets.
The tier 3 leather warfront armor for Alliance seems to also be missing pieces around the elbows.
I can confirm that the gloves for the tier 3 leather gloves for the 7th legion set and the Elite dread gladiator set is missing the armored elbow 3D armor piece.
Ive updated the catalog of issues with armor sets using 3D armor pieces. If there are any other issues related to the thread that I may have missed, please post it in this thread.
Much better format than me, hope this gets attention before 8.1 makes live.
When you equip any of the Chi Ji's Rainment (Antorus Monk Sets) on a male nightborne, the kneeguards and elbow guards are not even attached to the character, they simply float still regardless of movement and even go above their body when mounted.
As of right now also, the Alliance Elite Cloth Set (BFA) is bugged and does not display a runed scroll on the waist as the initial models from wowhead did in a similar fashion to the leather set.
Updated the initial post found a bug with the dreadwyrm battleplate armor worn by male undead.
Fierce Gladiator's Silk Cowl and all other appearances that use this model are bugged on male Undead. On male Undead, the top of the helm is stretched over the face.
Updated the post to include the Runebound Regalia/Silk Gladiator's Silk Armor for mages. Thank you everyone for catching what I missed.
*Also made a few corrections, because this post was made back on BFA beta.
I imagine a lot of the issues in this thread are still there. I'd love to see the tassets added to the Dark Iron Dwarf heritage set like it was originally shown.
I cant check the PTR to see if anythings been fixed due to some difficult times Im dealing with at the moment, but I want to keep this thread up and alive. I wont be able to provide any screen shots for bugs related to the thread for a while, so if anyone does find any more bugs, please try to provide screenshots if possible.
Seems the elite plate belt was fixed along with chi-ji’s both due to just being the worst offenders with unattached or streching assets. Not much else in PTR.
Going to seven months soon since it was reported on beta and not one comment from any blue…
The Chi-Ji’s set is still bugged on live. Is it fixed on PTR now?
Both Chi-Ji’s and Xuen’s sets were fixed last week on PTR, hope they remain fixed before release.
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Warrior plate from Legion to include Juggernaught Battlegear and the Fierce Gladiator sets are STILL missing the leg plates as reported by OP. You would hope that with the ability to queue for Antorus on LFR as well as the weekly transmog groups that this would be fixed. Hoping it gets addressed in a future update as it severely affects the appearance of these sets. They are some of the best Warrior sets out there.
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Seems a good deal of issues have been fixed. Id update the original post, but the forum changes makes that difficult so Ill just have to update it via this post.
Fixed armor sets:
Dark Iron Heritage Armor
Maghar Heritage Armor
World-Defiler Plate
Xuen’s Battlegear
Dread Gladiator’s Plate
Runebound Regalia/Silk Gladiator’s Silk Armor (For undead male’s head piece.)
Gravewarden’s Armaments
Regalia of the Skybreaker
Eagletalon Battlegear
Unfixed armor sets:
Dreadwyrm Battleplate & Vindictive Gladiator’s Dreadplate Armor
- This bug is still in effect for undead males. x_ (FIXED 8.1.5)
Runebound Regalia/Silk Gladiator’s Silk Armor
- The mythic/elite version of this set’s gloves has a new texture issue. This appears to only effect male undead I think. x_
- The original bug affecting the human male models is still in effect. x_ (FIXED 8.1.5)
- The mythic version’s head piece for this set has hair clipping through the helmet. This seems to effect all races. x_
Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel
- Rogues still have not access to their shoes for this set. x_
Juggernaught Battlegear/Fierce Gladiator’s Plate Armor (FIXED 8.1.5)
- The hip plates for this set are still missing. x_
Dreadwake Armor/ Fierce Gladiator’s Dreadplate Armor
- The helmet’s glow effect still uses the wrong color, and the gems on the pants and boots are still missing.
Dread Gladiator’s Chain Horde
- The knee pads for this set’s pants are still missing.
Dread Gladiator’s Leathers Alliance (FIXED 8.1.5)
- The forearm armor as seen in the screenshot in the original post is still missing.
Ive updated the post above to reflect any fixes and new bugs for the armor sets that I could find. A good deal of fixes though for the majority of the armor so far.
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Dredging this up because Blizzard just broke the moonpriest vestments with 8.3, making the belt and part of the robe model invisible on draenei and lightforged draenei models.
I know this is a supppper old thread at this point, but my draenei still cannot transmog her moonpriest vestments. The belt is completely missing, as is each hip armor piece, along with the blue looking emblems on the sleeves.