Hello. My name is Yvaen and i have a wide variety of experience from raiding on multiple characters through multiple expansions. This is my current main, and i am actively seeking an ALLIANCE BASED RAIDING GUILD. I have already fought all bosses in normal and heroic and looking for a guild that i can continue to grow in. If i find your guilds is a good fit, i will consider transferring servers. Please comment with any questions you may have or add me on Real ID. Yvaen#1642
I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello! Astral on Turalyon could use a healing priest for Mythic.
I have 8 Cutting Edge raid teams (1 top 100) + 2 more that will be Cutting Edge this next tier. Maybe check us out and see if we would be a fit. Also, feel free to apply even if it doesn’t list your specific class as an immediate need. Some guilds have more competitive raid spots than others. (Not a mega guild, these are different guilds).
The rosters are here: https://goo.gl/87ncRt
If you have questions, feel free to contact me @ Sieara#1968 (btag) or Sieara#6473 (discord, easiest way to find me) or Pandapriest @ PandaToons#1346 (btag) or PandaToons#7304 (disc). I have a very organized roster overview as well if you have questions or concerns about the roster, how large, etc.
Don’t see anything you like? Check out the Recruitment Discord which has hundreds of options as well: https://discord.gg/vN2sWsB
Happy hunting.
Hello! My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. We run multiple raid groups, so plenty of room for you! Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around. We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable! We do all kinds of things besides raiding such as M+, arena, world pvp, dungeons, etc. We just like having fun together!
We raid Tues/Fri/Sat from 9-11 pm EST with an optional hour on Fri/Saturday. Evolved is an Alliance guild on the Proudmoore server.
You can read more at:
You can contact me at BNet Starlight200#1548 or Discord Star#0700 if you have more questions.
I wish you luck in the guild hunt! Finding the right group makes a huge difference!
Hey Shaadaris! We are looking to add some new folks to our raid group to help us grow. We’re looking for raiders that are looking to progress in a casual atmosphere. I’ve sent you a BNet request and I look forward to talking with you.
<Nox Oriens> (1/9 Mythic 8/9 Heroic) is looking to add 2-3 DPS (ranged preferred but open to discussion) and a Healer. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.
Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central).
<Nox Oriens> is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are currently 6/8 Mythic.
<Nox Oriens> is a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:
Tempest (Mythic Roster)
Ascendance (Casual Progression)
We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.
We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact Shadowsmist (Shadowjj#1695) in-game for further information.
We look forward to hearing from you.
We are an old guild always seeking friendly active people. We are a raid guild that focuses on having fun while killing bosses. We also do pvp and mythics. Oriel#1933
Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9:25pm-midnight CST…
I added you and left my info below
I am the recruitment officer for Diminishing Returns on Dalaran. We moved to Dalaran after running a raiding guild on Kael’thas for 13 years.
We pride ourselves on stability and a good raid environment. We also do not recruit mass amounts of people for bench, as we do not recruit for bench.
While we understand a two day a week raiding guild is not going to have the same progression rate as a guild running 3 to 4 days a week, we always seem to keep within range of those guiles.
Raid Times: Tuesday and Wednesday 8pm till 11pm est. (6 hrs per week)
Current Progression :
9 of 9 Normal - 6 of 9 Heroic – 1 of 9 Mythic
I prefer to speak with people on discord because it gives both parties a better understanding and gives a chance to actually get to know someone. You can reach me at Geo#1668
Meme Regime was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath with a few core members being US top 50 - 100 in our prime. We like to think of ourselves as good people. However, we are self admit-tingly trollish at times. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though >:|.
Current Progression:
5/8M Uldir
8/9H BoD
1/9M BoD
Current Needs:
BM/MM Hunter (HIGH)
Shadow/Disc/Holy Priest (Highest)
Warlock (HIGH)
Ele Shaman (HIGH)
Boomkin (HIGH)
Resto shaman (HIGH)
All exceptional players will be considered! We don’t have a problem replacing someone if you can out-perform them.
Looking for the following;
Any exceptional/experienced player will be given a trial for the progression group.
Raid Times:
Tuesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Wednesday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
Thursday: 9:00pm-12:00am EST*
*Invites go out 15 minutes prior to raid start time, it is expected that we are in the raid ready to pull by 9EST.
If this sounds like a good fit for you feel free to add Fonze#1379 or Hotsauce#1407 on bnet
Sup, I’m Lennymingus, your new raid leader / gm. Fat boys is a guild on mal’ganis with intentions of clearing all relevant content. Going for CE and all that jazz.
Our core consists of raiders who have played in top 10 guilds all throughout the expansions, and we’re just trying to game with each other again. Decided we’re sick of raiding with people who just don’t have the “it” factor, and are taking matters into our own hands.
Now don’t feel pressured, we’re all about fun at fat boys, but we will hold you to the expectation of you having a full functioning brain. Yes, females are more than welcome, anyone can be a fat boy.
On a more serious note, a lot of us have various realm first achievements / high rankings. Like I said, we’re a group of bros who just want to raid together, have fun while doing it and still be competitive.
We’ll expect you to play your best at all times, but if you have any questions feel free to ask, and please be able to accept constructive criticism.
Raid times / days: Tuesday / Weds / Thurs 9pm-12am EST.
Optional day: Monday 9pm-12am EST.
Heroic runs will be done on the weekends, also very optional!
Current Progression : 9/9H | 1/9M
At the moment, we are primarily recruiting DPS. Our core currently consists of the essentials (2 tanks, 4 healers) and a handful of dps.
Open for recruitment:
Melee DPS:
Rogue: Yes
Demon Hunter: Yes
Warrior: Yes
Windwalker: Yes
Deathknight: Yes
Ret Paladin: Yes
Ranged DPS:
Moonkin: Yes
Warlock: Yes
Hunter: Yes
Elemental Shaman: Yes (HUGE bonus if you can flex resto)
Mage: Yes
Shadow Priest: Yes
All healer spots available!
Of course, all classes will be considered. If you’re good, the fat boys would love to have you. We are looking for a minimum ilvl of 385 and neck level 33
If this all sounds saucy, hit me up on real ID and lets get it, become a fat boy today. yeet
Hey there!
Nevermore on Turalyon (A) is currently looking for a healer to help round out our roster for mythic BoD and beyond.
We are currently 8/9H 1/9M and our raid times are Thurs/Mon 8-11est.
We have been a guild for over 10 years now and have achievement multiple cutting edge achievements during that time. While we aren’t as hardcore as we once were, we pride ourselves on pushing progression on a strict 6 hour schedule in a laid back atmosphere.
If you are interested in joining or learning more, feel free to add me Glade#1825 or apply on our website www.nevermoreturalyon. com
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!