Hey all,
Back from a hiatus due to work-related reasons, looking to get back into the raiding scene.
Just some quick background info before I follow the generic template. I’ve been raiding since TBC across a wide variety of classes/roles over the years, but since WOTLK, Hunter has been my favorite class to play. I’ve done casual and hardcore raiding and have been pretty consistent about clearing current content while it is still current and challenging. Feel free to ask anything else you’d like to know!
Times/time zones: I can raid any day of the week, preferably starting around 7 or 8pm EST and going until midnight at the latest.
Server preference: Stormrage was the server I used to play on before I moved to Moon Guard, would love to move back to that server. Otherwise, as long as your server is high pop, that’s good with me.
Faction preference: Preferably Alliance but willing to go Horde if you’re the right fit.
Hardcore/Semi-hardcore/casual: Kind of a grey area here. If you consistently clear current content on Heroic and push mythic when you can, I’d be interested. Cutting Edge would be nice, but not extremely necessary. Bonus points if your guild will be playing in Classic too.
Current progression/experience: Again, been raiding since BC, have done pretty much everything while it was current. In Legion, I achieved Cutting Edge: Xavius and got about halfway through M NH until Krosus annihilated my then guild. Finished N and H Antorus. Currently in BFA I am 8/8 Heroic and 2/8 Mythic Uldir. Have not touched BOD or COS (outside of LFR) due to being away from the game, would love to get AOTC before 8.2
Logs and Raiderio: Didn’t know you can’t post links in posts anymore, so if you’re interested, please shoot me a message on Discord and I will get you both of these links. ^^
Contact info: Discord is probably the best way to get in touch with me. Dropping my Battletag down below as well.
Discord: Siren - Moon Guard [A]#5832 (probably the easiest way to contact me)
Battletag: Siren#11928
Thanks for your time, hope to hear from you soon! <3