394 Destro/Afflic Warlock LF H/M BoD Guild

Name: Siphön
Server: Jubei’thos
Btag: Runel#1558

2/8 M Uldir
4/9 H BoD ; 8/9 N BoD

-Played since Vanilla
-Raided all content (Normal, Hardcore, Heroic, Mythic)
-Positive player enjoying progression


-I’m looking for a non-toxic guild team, which focuses on strengthening the raid and comradery amongest it’s players.

  • 2/3 nights a week for progression
    -Alternate nights for alts
    -Consistent M+ groups

Bro. Are you willing to transfer to Barth?

Let me know

Better whisper on this toon

I imagine, i’ll end up on Barth.
My monks already there.

hey Siphon we are looking for a lock for our core raid team spot please add me to Btag and we can chat Brandon#1621 i sent you a btag

Hi Siphon, if you are interested in server transferring at all, ClanDropBears are recruiting for core raid spots.

Here is a link to our recruiting post. [H] <ClanDropBears> LF more Our needs have changed slightly since then, but are still in need of ranged dps. I would love the opportunity to chat to you about what you would like in a guild and what we can offer you to meet that goal.

Please add me on Bnet Eri#1981 if you are interested in talking about this.

Thanks for your time