Looking to take my DH Horde side to raid. Changed mains to a Shadowpriest for my current guild since melee was heavy. Looking for a good raiding guild, one that also does mythic plus. My main is 9/9N 4/9H BOD. My priest has same name just with different special characters, please check roster if needed.
Hey I’d love to talk to you we could use a demon hunter for our heroic raid group we raid one day a week on Sunday nights from 6 to 10 EST Saturday night optional normal / alt clears mythic plus 10 keys daily here my battle tag Mako#1649 hope to hear from you
Hey there!
Stormfall is an AOTC guild that focuses on achieving AOTC each tier. We do dabble a little into mythic but our focus is AOTC. We are horde side and are located on Area52. Take a look at us and if we fit what you’re looking for, please reach out to an officer!
Hey Samael, we have two groups recruiting and would love to speak with you!
Interruptible of Area 52 is seeking talented individuals to push for success.
About Interruptible:
We are neither a casual nor a hardcore raiding guild. If you are looking for a team that approaches raiding professionally while maintaining a fun atmosphere, we may be the place for you. We are a mix of college students, working professionals, husbands/wives, and generally people from all walks of life. We are a friendly atmosphere, dramaless, social, and active guild. Plenty of activity within: Mythic +, Island Expeditions, PvP and outside games.
Our goals as a guild:
Our long-term goals are to provide a unique playing environment for our members. We would like for them to enjoy playing the game with other like minded individuals. Bringing together many different personalities with the same common goal will be very satisfying for everyone. This game has a lot to offer and can be very rewarding when you have the right people to play with.
Currently seeking:
Group 1
One Off Tank
Resto Shaman
Holy Paladin
Holy/Disc Priest
Resto Druid
Elemental Shaman
Dps w/ Healer Offspec
Group 2
Prot Paladin or Prot Warrior
Resto Shaman
Resto Druid
Holy/Disc Priest
Dps (Ranged/Melee)
If you are a great player and your class isn’t listed, feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to give you a shot!
Raid Times: Group 1
Tuesday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Thursday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Group 2
Saturday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Sunday: 9PM EST - 11:59PM EST
Hey there! Dont Die of Hyjal is an adult, casual guild focused on achieving AoTC each raid tier. We enjoy a laid back environment that sees bosses fall at a steady pace.
All we ask is that you know your class, come prepared to raids by watching guides/strats, and pull your own weight.
We are currently 9/9N 4/9H 1/9M BoD. We raid on Monday and Thursday from 8-10:30 PM Central Time.
If you’re interested in more info please add my battle tag Wild#11964 or my Discord Wildreaver#5858.
Hello There ! we are a tight group of friends who have been together for quite a while, we are currently looking for dps or 1 healer, we have Heroic on farm, and the first boss in mythic, we also run a lot of keys and have an active discord nightly. We are looking to finish out our raid team with likeminded people, if this interests you , and would like to try a heroic run with us to see if we mesh , please feel free to add either of the contacts listed below, we would love to have you. thanks.
Server: Area 52
Guild: { Rolling for Blame }
Faction: HORDE
Raid Times: 8PM-11PM Server {est} Tue and Wed
Cleared: 9/9 H 1/9 M BoD
Recruitment Contacts: Pickpocket#1440 or meshnave#1208 (btag)
Requirements: 390+ ilvl with at least 36 on neck. Ability to work and communicate as a team to down current content and a positive attitude.
Needs: DPS, All exceptional players will be considered.
CD is currently looking for semi-hardcore raiders. We are raiding Wednesdays and Sundays 8:15 PM - 11PM EDT server time on Area-52. We just relocated here from Eonar/Velen(dead server) in an effort to recruit to finish heroic and push into mythic raiding. We are currently 4/9 h with some members being 9/9h and 1/9m.
We pride ourselves on having a little bit of class and being fairly inclusive. Back in Vanilla/TBC/WotLK days, we were a top progression guild, and our core is fairly intact. Expect smooth, focused runs with experienced raiders and no drama.
We currently are looking for good players of almost any class; particularly hybrid classes who can heal and/or DPS off spec. We use and require Discord for communication during raids, the ability to speak isn’t required, just need to be there to listen.
Hit up Slowthar(Cretia#11550), Begzilla(Chibi#1952), Daishii(lokiashaman#1399) or Moruba/Andoras(Dolgare#1940) for more info and to do some runs and get to know us.
We are an all adult 9/9N 4/9H BOD guild, but whats more than that is we are a group of friends. We raid together, we push keys together, we take care of our weekly islands together, run old content together, and play other games together. We joke around in discord. And have fun playing the game. We openly welcome anyone that wishes to join us into this environment, including them in all we do, and need more!
Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm-12am eastern time
If you aren’t on that list don’t worry, our bouncers take tips, so hit up btag or discord anyway we’ll see what we can do
Forgone Conclusion 9/9 N 4/9 H is a casual progression/social guild on the high population horde dominated server Thrall! We are currently recruiting to round out our roster and enlarge our social population. We are looking for people who are interested in raids, Mythic + and socializing with the awesome community we already have.
The guild is lead by two friends who have been playing together since BC, and supported by a team of officers with experience including cutting edge mythic content, various levels of PVP and Mythic +. The guild was founded with the intention to bring fun into the game again rather than it being a job while still enjoying the experience of new content with a group of friends.
We do not currently have set mythic + groups instead we rotate people in and out to get everyone their 10 throughout the week with our mix of tanks and heals we can have a few going at once.
We are looking for more DPS and healer to add to the raid group. We will always consider any player regardless of current needs, and will gladly accept any social players or M+ players.
Raids are held Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30PM-10:30PM EST, 6:30-9:30 CST, with the option of another clean up day or alt run if the membership agrees.
We’re looking to add more to our Heroic Raiding group roster - we raid two nights a week on Monday and Wednesday from 8pm CST to 11pm CST. Check us out! Add me on bnet – Moonpie#1732.
Hey! I’m with the horde guild on Illidan. We’re new to horde and the server, but run by previous top ranked mythic raiders Not looking to be a CE raid team just AOTC. Looking to create a one shot, get stuff done group that loves to have fun and be casual about the game, yet progress quickly with top notch players who just don’t view this game as a job anymore. We raid Tue/Wed 10pm-1am server (CST).
Definitely could use a strong DH in our roster! Guild is just starting out but looking to have a solid team in just a few weeks! We’re very helpful, fun loving, mature, just looking to create a tight knit smaller guild. No mass guild invite or any of that nonsense If we sound like a good fit add me on btag! Sýphira#1723
We for once are light in the melee and would love to add a raider of your caliber to the team!
Raid Team:
4/9H | 9/9N – All AotC’s since guild started end of MoP
LF up to 6 DPS and 1 Healer (2 if we get all 6 dps!)
Filling in from the normal roster rotation between raid tiers! You know how it is *^.^ *
Raid Nights:
Wed, Thur, Mon; 8-11 pm EST
Flexible raid schedule available – Cross server raiding available
Normal/Heroic Raid Team (took a step back from mythic in favor of flex raiding/less stress)
Always get our AotC - Active discord
4+ years of raiding as a guild thanks to solid core.
If you break - we’ll be here when you get back
You and your friends can raid together without the worry of being cut! We work raiders from farm into progression by adding more bosses to their play list each week until they are skilled/geared to raid full time progression.
LFM Players who love the game as much as the rest of us! Active players outside of raid. Raiding not required to be a part of the guild as we do Mythic + twice a week, Mog runs and more.
Non-Raiders also welcome!
Mog Peeps - Travel with us into old content and let’s expand those closets!
Achievements - Nothing like knocking these out for bragging rights or mounts!
Mythic Plus - Actively running keys Tuesday & Fri/Sat - Mythic + rank in discord.
Look forward to hearing from you!
:+: Foxcee :+:
Btag & Discord: Foxcee#1707