Just hit 120 last Friday, and have worked my way up to 391 ilvl. I am a Alliance re-roll looking for a new home and to meet some new/fun people. I would like a guild primarily focused on m+ pushing and would love to pvp. I was 4k io in legion / 1k bfa season 1 (didn’t push) / 8/8 M (CE) last tier. Thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you!
We’re looking to add more people interested in m+ and are looking for another havoc dh for our raid team. Let’s talk.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517
Hello Stmango,
My guild, Logical Journey, is 4/9H BoDa and are looking to fill our ranks for eventual Mythic Raiding. We push keys throughout the week, +10’s and up. Guild is very solid, drama free and friendly. We do PVP but more as a side thing if there’s nothing else to do, or if it’s a weekend quest reward. I’ve been playing wow since Vanilla and this is one of the best guilds I’ve been in–haven’t felt like home like this for years. I’m the recruitment officer and you can reach me in-game on my toon, Charaid, or on Battlenet at #Sparkledump1727.