39000 Plunder to get all the NEW rewards

In case anyone missed the wowhead article and that’s useful to them :slight_smile:

Plunderstorm Event Rewards: The Plunderstore Patch 11.0.7 - Wowhead

Is…. That more or less than last time?

Significantly less.


I’m not sure where the 39000 comes from or what item I’m missing. I added up all the new stuff (I unlocked everything last time) and keep coming up with 35000. Either way not to bad, seems to be about 1/3 the amount as last time give or take.

Thank goodness because this mode is… unique. ^ ^; I’m enjoying it and not enjoying it, sometimes you die too instantly lol.

Also worth mentioning a lot of these new rewards are very skippable. Only takes 5k to buy the full black color plunderlord set and honestly thats the only one I say its worth (and maybe the mounts but they are just recolors). doing the daily+being gud at the game and you can easily walk away with 2-3k coins in a single match.

Just doing the daily and surviving a bit can easily get you around 1k coins a game. Of the 8 matches ive done my lowest was 600 and highest was 2800 with most being 1000 to 1500.

And without even sweating, I was able to accumulate the 14k needed for mounts and pets in just a few hours.

Casuals will be able to get in and get out and leave the mode to those who like it in no time. :slight_smile:

Same here, all my adding ended up at 35,000. Really easy to get there too, easily done in a day or two of cracking at it consistently

You can just do the daily quest every day and essentially get enough plunder for all the new stuff. I can’t imagine doing more than 1-2 games of this terrible game mode per day.