Hello, I’m looking for a late night raid team that is looking to go for aotc and maybe do a couple of the early mythic bosses.
I’m looking for a late night guild preferably starting at or after 11 pm est, I can faction and server transfer as needed, and I am currently 8/8 normal.
I haven’t raided since Ny’alotha but i am ready to get back into the swing of things.
We’re interested if you could make an hour earlier work!
Chee Kon is recruiting for Dragonflight. Our goal is AOTC which we have achieved previously and then to step into Mythic as the roster permits. We’re 2/8H and Council was at 7% when raid ended on Monday night with only 2 pulls.
We raid from 7PM PST - 10PM PST Mon/Wed, which is 10-1AM EST
We are looking for 1 tank, a few healers(off spec is fine) and a few more DPS to round out our raid group. Strong preference toward in guild players, but we can work with cross server/faction in the right circumstances.
Please reach out to the below individuals if you are interested in hearing more!
BNET: Tacobucket#11442
Discord: Ginobli#1260
BNET: Burtron#1991
Discord: Cheekon#8549
Hey Marsann!
Based on your post I think we could be a great fit! Key To Victory is a newly formed raiding guild in Tichondrius (H) looking for more dps in our push for AOTC this tier. We do eventually plan on pushing into mythic raiding, but that’s only after we find the right group of people. We raid on Tues/Thurs from 10pm-1am EST, so if the time you listed is flexible by 30 minutes or so then we’d be happy to have you trial with us!
I added you on Discord but feel free to reach out if interested.
Emptybucket - Tichondrius
Btag: Hologien#1959
Discord: Hologien#0135
Still looking for any late night guild to raid with
Akai Soubi has been an established guild on Uther since Molten Core with multiple server firsts from BC through Cata. Now, we are a primarily Heroic flex raiding guild but maintain our commitment to hard work and excellence. We are looking for like-minded individuals who enjoy being part of a fun, helpful community and have the skills/drive to get the job done! We raid heroics competitively and also have groups going for mythic dungeons (typically evenings/weekends).
Raid schedule:
Pacific Time Zone
Wednesday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Thursday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Current progress: 8/8 N, 2/8 H
To apply:
Please contact either Solsti (Btag: Solange#1331, Discord: Solsti#9701) or Bort (Btag: sleepyfish#1172, Discord: Bort#6743).
If our raid times fit your schedule please reach out! I would love to chat 
We would be interested if 30 mins earlier was an option for you!
Here is my copy pasta -
New guild formed on Stormrage with core raid members and raid leadership from a multiple CE Guild.
We’re a super fun, relaxed guild that are just looking for more players to kill bosses with. We’ve all been raiding with each other for a few years. We’re taking raiding casual this expansion and clearing AOTC while dipping our toes into the first few mythic bosses eventually - but Mythic raiding is not a priority for us. We just started up last week!
We’re looking for like-minded people that are reliable and are looking to have fun.
Currently 8/8N and 3/8H
Looking for any and all, feel free to contact me at -
RAINB0W#11219 on bnet, or Exxiee#5550 on discord.
If the time works, just shoot me a friend request on either.
Hello! We are currently recruiting more RDPS.
Progress: 7/8 N, 2/8 H
Raid Times: Fri-Sat, 8-11pm EST.
If you wish to join a community that provides an outlet for proper raiding but still offers a casual and friendly atmosphere then we gladly extend our hand to you! Corporate’s main focus is to provide a comfortable place for players to participate in endgame progression. Our mission is to build a tight-knit community of friends and help each of them with their goals. We gladly welcome players, of all skill levels, a place amongst our ranks!
Our forum post:
Our contact information
Discord: Husky#4195
Battle.net: Husky#12177
Hello Marsann
We have 2 active teams that are both 7/8N and 5/8H
Raid times are as followed Early team Starts 830ST
Late night starts at 1130ST if either of those times work for you drop me a line @ Hotshot54#1859
Hi there,
We are looking for a full time mage for our aotc push team. We are 8/8N and 2/8H, some guys are 3 or 4/8 having done some offnight stuff with the guild during holidays. But officially 2/8 with our first night really on prog tomorrow evening.
We raid Wed and Sat from 6pm to 9pm pst, with impromtu events occasionally if close to a boss kill. If that is late enough for you on the east coast, I hope u can sign up! We have a mage or two, but attendance is spotty (not sure if they are committed at this point) and could use one for our team. Plenty of key pushers through the week also as 3 of our guys have ksm already. Maybe more even. Please contact our Gm Draggato#5421 for recruitment questions or if interested in joining up. Hope to see u!
Hey Mar! We’re 2/8M 7/8H W/F 7-10 EST
Is a AoTc/Mythic focused guild that is currently reforming for Vaults and beyond. Our core raid team has played together for 2 expansions with our raid leader leading multiple CE guilds and is eager to continue in DF starting with Vaults. If you think you’d be a great fit please feel free to reach out!
Warlock / Boomkin / Shadow Priest
Warrior / WW / Enhance
Disc Priest / Evoker
Main Team Raid Days:
Wednesday 7-10 EST
Friday 7-10 EST
Recruiting all classes and roles!
Please feel free to reach out and chat!
Bnet: Wishkins#1359
Discord: Spex4wild#4587