Going straight to the point. (Info on me will be at the bottom)
TL;DR: Former Mythic Raider during Legion looking to relax for now by just clearing normal and heroics along with M+ keys. I am E.S.T and prefer raiding on Weekends. If not, I prefer raiding around 7:30-10:30 EST. As of now, I am not doing mythic progression, but will consider it in the future!
MY GOALS: To clear heroics and normals for gear, POSSIBLY push mythic content. I just want to lay back, do some raids, and push keys. I also want to create a sense of friendship within the guild! (And of course getting better gear )
Alliance Rogue: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/sargeras/Shinkyshanky
Horde Druid: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/bleeding-hollow/hypecrit
I am NOT playing this character anymore, this is just where i did my mythic raiding
BNET: HypE#12106#
Discord: D3MONIC#9516
About me: I’m a 16 year old Junior in H.S with a 3.6 GPA (yes, i am taking AP classes) who plays Lacrosse during the spring. That will only limit my week time by like an hour each day or so. Obviously, I love video games and came back to this expansion ready to play. I used to get burnt out kinda fast, but when finishing Antorus content early because of guild disbanding, I decided just to take time off until the new expansion came out. Now, even though I’m not Horde anymore ( ) , I am still willing to kill some bosses and get loot to be even more stronger.