Priest/Holy (flex)
warcraftlogs: /character/us/zuljin/jojote
Willing to change Server
Computer specs: CPU an i7-7700k OC with i100 Corsair watercooler, a GPU: ROG GTX-1070 8gb, 16gb DDR4 3000mHz Bus, Razer Blackwidow v2 Keyboard, Logitech g502 and a 34’’ ultrawide curved 144Hz LG monitor
Internet 200mbps
I’m with <Vigil> [A] 8/8M (US 67, Alliance 54) of Sargeras. We are currently looking for a core healer to finish Uldir farm and go into BoD looking strong, notably a disc priest or holy pally. If you’re interested in playing main spec disc, I think you might be a good fit.
Our raid times are T/W/TH from 6-10PM CST, with an optional alt raid on Sundays at 7 CST. Reach out to us if you’re interested and we can provide more info:
Contact Information
Website: sargeras . us
Twitter: /Vigil_Raiding
Btags: Notthesun#1208 / Velth#1280
Hey Jojote! I’m with The Mafia on Frostwolf/Vashj (Horde) who are currently 6/8m. We raid Tuesday/Thursday 6pm-9pm PST and currently on Mythrax prog. Would love to have you. If you’re interested, feel free to contact me at Ramanator#1182.
hope to hear from you soon!
5/8M uldir
We’re an established and mature semi-hardcore mythic progression focused guild. We’re not seeking server firsts, but we do want to clear the top tier of content. If you’re looking for a consistent guild that makes progression targets, without the demands of those in the World First races, Dominion might be the place for you.
Raid times:
Tues 8-11pm Est
Wed 8-11pm Est
Thurs 8-11pm Est
Current Needs
Open Recruitment
Exceptional applications for any class will be considered regardless of the above, we’re recruiting raiders, not just their class!
Dominion was established in 2005 on Alter of Storms and in 2012 transferred to Stormrage. Our officer core has provided stability for many years. We have made multiple progression targets over the years:
8/8 Heroic Dragon Soul
14/14 Heroic (Mythic) Siege of Orgrimmar
13/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel
11/11 Mythic Antorus the Burning Throne
How to Apply
Please fill out an application on our site to apply:
Reach out to an officer with questions Aaemon#1798, Shamzchief, Cyclone, Sarisia (solarshadow#1696), or Aureilie
Here there! My name is Lana, and I am with <Business Class> on Sargeras! We are currently looking for a talented h priest to round out our core healing roster! For accepted horde applicants, we also offer faction transfer cost assistance.
Progression – 7/8 Mythic, 8/8 Heroic
Raid Times – Tue/W/Thur at 7:00PM-10:30PM CST
Tenure – Have gotten CE nearly every tier (one exception) since our beginning in Throne of Thunder (MoP) on Sargeras. We’re a guild that has lasted the test of time, and will not be going anywhere!
Loot – We’ve embraced personal loot and wont require you to change specs or give up loot you win.
Consumables – Food and Flasks are provided for each raid day.
Application Discord (w/o the spaces) – https:// discord. gg/MY3Z2Cr
— contact —
Aurora#12172 (My Btag) - Lana#2830 (My Discord)
In addition to main raid, we do weekly heroic alt runs on Sat, sales runs, push keys and other fun guild events on off nights such as achievement runs. We also run discord events/contests with prizes (games, mounts, etc, given away!). We are far from a guild that only logs on to raid.
Our goal is to maintain our cheery, positive environment so that members are excited to log on and work together. In order to achieve the goal of CE each tier, we are certainly progression focused with accountability to each member. However, this is a game, and we will never sacrifice the bright atmosphere that we maintain; you will not find any toxicity here. You’ll find us to have wonderful senses of humor, and we enjoy engaging in fun activities as a team, both in raid and out. Our discord is active on daily basis, where every night you’ll find members playing WoW and other games together, or simply on to chat. I hope you’ll check us out!
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions! I am very reachable by either Bnet or Discord. I’d love the chance to chat with you 
Hey Jojo check us out!
[H] US- Tichondrius
Raid Times:
- Tuesday 7:15 PM - 10:15 PM PST
- Thursday 7:15-10:15 PM PST
- Monday (Optional Alt/Heroic/Normal Nights) 7:15-10:15 PM PST
3/8 Mytic Uldir
Contact Info:
GM: Bnet – Khambhat#1967 / Discord Tag – Rhaab#9614
Recruitment Officer: Bnet – Dominiko#1777 / Discord Tag – Dominiko#5315
DPS Officer: Bnet – Murgy#11437 / Discord Tag – Murgy#3168
Full Blurb view-able here.
Below is our spam- we have an immediate spot for you, as we’re in phase 3 G’huun prior to these nerfs going out! Would love to chat with you <3
<Limited Liability> is a former Kil’Jaeden top 100 US-Mythic raiding guild, comprised of returning high quality and top end players (Blood Legion, Midwinter, Smitus and Friends, Team Malice, Unholy Trinity). We are constantly recruiting exceptional players despite class needs. Our focus is Mythic progression and completion with a mature drama-free environment.
Guild Information
Guild: Limited Liability
Realm: US- Sargeras
Faction: Alliance
Battle for Azeroth-
Uldir: 8/8H 7/8M
Mythrax-69 pulls
US-53 Heroic G’huun
US-57 Heroic Blackfuse
US-101 Heroic Lei’Shen
Tuesday: 10pm EST - 1am EST (7pm PST - 10pm PST)
Wednesday: 10pm EST - 1am EST (7pm PST - 10pm PST)
Monday: 10pm EST - 1am EST (7pm PST - 10pm PST)
-extra time is usually added on the first release of mythic (optional)-
Progression-3 days until the tier is fully cleared…After the tier is cleared, tues-wed will be the set days.
(All apps will be a sit-down interview via discord)
Requirements for Members and Applicants
- Good Attendance
- Solid Internet connections & stable systems.
- Discord and microphone.
- Willingness to adhere to all guild policies.
- We have mandatory Add-on requirements and we’ll need you to fulfill these.
- Open to criticism that will sometimes be harsh as well as constructive.
Recruitment is always open for top performing players.
-Dazz [Jman#1360]
-Rollexx [Rollexx#1650]
-Vendixon [Vendixon#11942]