About me:
I’m currently looking for a guild that’s primarily focused on progression. I also enjoy pushing high Mythic Plus if a group is viable.
Raid Experience:
Uldir - 6/8M
Previous Experience:
Top 50 World experience - US 4th T17.
Prior to Legion I’ve completed every tier with CE.
Sim DPS:
Currently sim at 18,615 DPS.
Tuesday - Friday evenings (PST) preferred.
So dunno how early ya could raid but we are 6/8M Sargeras-Alliance. Raid Tues/Weds 730-1130PM EST. Hit me up at bardrevolver#1441 if you are interested!
Incoming Guild Spam! …
At Focus Up we understand the player base has grown up. We raid two nights a week with Cutting Edge skills and expectations. We’re looking for a few more to round out our team. Leadership is Cutting Edge with a competitive mindset, on a semi hardcore schedule.
Current Prog: 8/8N 8/8H 5/8M Raid Times: Tues/Wed 8:15pm-11:15pm EST
What we’re looking for: Players with a WANT to not only push mythic for personal progress, but to be a part of a team.
What we need: Top Priorities
- Rogue
- Boomkin
- Mage
- Lock
- Demon Hunter
Raid has 24 members, but skilled players are welcome to apply.
We’re always looking at adding skilled players to improve the flexibility and talent level of our roster.
Reach out to either myself Dtg#11748 or Vyea#1852 to talk a bit more with us!
We are currently 7/8m and progressing on g’huun, I’ll post the spam below and feel free to hit us up if you’re interested.
Mythicc is a new guild in BfA made up of mostly former members of an 11/11M CE alliance guild.
Our schedule is Tue/Wed/Thurs 9pm EST - 12am EST. We expect raiders that can make all three days consistently, with exceptions for advanced notice.
What we are recruiting:
Exceptional Melee DPS (Paladin/Rogue/Warrior/Demon Hunter)
Elemental Shaman
Even if your class isn’t listed please feel free to apply, we will be considering any application that meets our standard.
Our goal going into the expansion is to clear the first tier while attaining Cutting Edge and progress strongly into the second tier. We are looking for dedicated players to join us and progress with us into the raids.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of us ingame or through btag, or you can submit an application by filling out the following form: http s://goo.gl/forms/tjMbAn18he0T2gmD2 (remove the space).
Recruitment Officer: Effx (Effekt#11240)
Officer: Tengu (Tengumilk#11270)
GM: Denk (Denk#1912)
Thank you for the replies!
Come tank for me bb
6/8M 1337 Mal’Ganis Horde Mythrax 20%
Currently recruiting for Tides Of Vengeance. We’re looking to fill out our roster and finish CE before the next raid drops and we make our push to finish in the top 100 US in the Battle for Dazar’Alor.
Raid Times:
Tuesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST
Wednesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST
2 days a week. 7 hours a week. That’s it. All progression and farm we do will be done within the raid schedule. With the next tier coming, another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills.
Any other organized activities will be 100% optional.
We are currently looking for the following:
1 Tank: Demon Hunter, Blood Death Knight, Prot Paladin, or Brewmaster Monk.
1-2 Healers: Resto Shaman, Holy Paladin, Holy Priest
2 Ranged DPS: Hunter, Spriest
1 Melee DPS: Ret Paladin
Get in touch
Discord: The Pachyderm#6698 (yes there is a space, I think, probably)
Btag: Pachyderm#1286
About Us:
Synergy [H] on Tichondrius is a established semi-hardcore raiding guild. We have been around since 2011 and plan on tackling Mythic content through BFA!!!
We are passionately dedicated to PvE Raid progression and, as such, every decision we make as a guild is devoted to that end. With just a 3-day raiding schedule we take raid time very seriously, and have very high expectations of ourselves and potential members.
At the same time, however, personality and attitude can not be stressed enough, as we will not take a talented player if they don’t fit in well with the rest of the guild. We are here to raid, have fun and progress. If you share Synergy’s motivations and goals, we highly encourage you to apply.
Tanks: exceptional canidates
MDPS: death knight
RDPS: shadow priest / boomkin
Heals: paladin / monk
Prior Tiers (since 2011) information is listed on our website (About Us)!
Tier 17: ( US #153 )
Tier 18: ( US #161 )
Tier 19: ( 7/7M…3/3M…10/10M )
Tier 20: 7/9M
Tier 21: 11/11M
Uldir: 8/8M (US #240)
Guild Information:
Raid Times:
•Tuesday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST
•Wednesday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST
•Thursday: 8:30PM -11:30 PM PST
Guild Website:
If you have any question regarding the guild or recruitment please contact:
(Fistdlanthus) Fistdlanthus#1237
<Consequence> (US 128) is an Alliance guild on Stormrage and seeking competent players to join our progression raiding team. We are a 3 night semi-hardcore guild that is currently farming Uldir. We pride ourselves on our laid back raid environment who kills bosses and gets top end kills on mythic bosses.
Please note that Consequence has extremely low turnover in our Raid team, we are looking for players who want to commit and stay here
We are currently looking for a few more top players to fill our roster for the next tier. If you are motivated and enjoy a stable low drama guild who pushes content send us an application 
Mythic Raid Times: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST
Sometimes we throw in Monday early or late in a tier but these are planned weeks in advance.
As loot is currently set to personal for everyone now it goes without saying that loot is personal. HOWEVER, we use RCLootcouncil that allows us to see when someone gets a piece of gear that is able to be traded. When this happens we use Loot council to determine who gets the loot.
For more information, add the following Battle Tag:
anderdj#1280 (Marshmallon, Raid Leader)
AppNasty#1109 (Totemtastic, Guild Leader)
If our guild seems like a good fit for you, make an application on our Google doc goo.gl/forms/1oUPf7b4p9OXEZCk1
Hope to speak to you soon!