Looking for a mythic raiding guild, 381 warrior been playing since vanilla. Lets see whats out there, looking for weekdays and prefer 2 nights a week. Times can be adjusted to whatever we need, Can xfer char and faction change for the right place.
Rally (Alliance)
Rally After Dark (Horde)
FMSA Raid Team: 8/8 Mythic Uldir (Cutting Edge)
Fuzzy Unicorns Raid Team: 4/8 M, 8/8 H Uldir
Danger Zone Raid Team: 2/8M, 8/8 H Uldir
Option 7 Raid Team: Casual Heroic Only Raid
HORDE-QQ Puffs: 8/8 Heroic Uldir, 1/8 Mythic
Raid Times:
FMSA: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
Fuzzy Unicorns: Tuesday/Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST
Danger Zone: Thursday 8:30pm - 1130pm EST
QQ Puffs: Tues/Thurs 8pm - 11pm EST
O7: Tues 8pm-11pm EST
Wednesday: Guild wide open raids 8pm - 10:30pm EST
Fridays: Achievement runs, Jackbox Party Games, M+ races, discord event and contests
Saturday: 8:30 - 11pm EST Horde Alt/casual open raids
Sunday 8:30 - 10:30pm EST Casual/Alt Optional open raids
Monday PvP (Rated BG’s 8:30 - 10:30 pm)
Dalaran - PvE (US)
About Us:
<Rally> is a guild founded upon the principle that we want to enjoy the people we are playing with. Rather than being a raiding guild that is social, we are a social guild that raids. We use very exclusive recruitment methods to ensure compatibility among members to maintain a cohesive atmosphere at all times.
Our guild is inclusive of all skill and experience levels as well as a variety of end game goals. From the new player who is still leveling to the retired hard core raider who is looking for a challenge on a more forgiving schedule. An experienced player with a buddy brand new to the game. We have an option for just about everyone. Most importantly, we are a community. We are a home. When you want a great group of people to hand with but don’t want to wear pants, RALLY is the answer!
Guild Atmosphere
We have mostly adults here, averaging about 30 in age. We’re still plenty immature at times and we have lots of fun. There’s some dry humor, a meme channel in Discord and hidden bot commands to troll each other. We’re a family here. We spend the day chatting in Discord chat from our phones or work until people start getting home and logging in. We have people with children and families and share complaints about cranky children and spouses. We are a highly active community of people. If you joined Rally, you could physically raid 5 nights a week and a lot of people do. We bring alts to other raids or even raid the same raids again despite loot lockouts because it’s just fun to hang with these people and smash !@#$ together.
We are looking to recruit people who fit into our group well and get along. We are looking for people who care and want to learn and get better or are already skilled but lack the time to dedicate to hardcore raiding as well. Whether you still want to push progression or just want to raid once a week for fun and minimal pressure, please apply!
We are a tight knit community of friends with a solid foundation of real life and long term friends having played WoW and other games together for 10+ years. We have a diverse membership with several couples, male and female, and new and experienced players. Our Discord is active during the day while people are at work and we are always spending time online running Mythic+, alt raids, popup raids, world quest groups, leveling alts, helping each other level and gear, etc.
Currently Recruiting:
Rally is always looking for personalities who fit into our team and are willing to wait for specific raid openings in the name of joining an amazing guild.
However, our current raid openings are as follows:
FMSA: Closed but still accepting applications for exceptional ranged DPS willing to sit until a spot is available
Fuzzy Unicorns: DK,DH, Ranged DPS (Boomie, Hunter, Mage pref but all others considered)
Danger Zone: Ret Pally, Rogue, Resto Shaman, Ranged DPS
Option 7: Healer (with DPS OS preferred), melee DPS (with potential tank OS pref), all ranged DPS
QQ Puffs: Ranged DPS
How to Apply:
If you are willing to do 3 days a week we have a core spot open for a warrior. If you are interested please feel free to contact us! Hopefully be speaking with you soon!
[A] SACRED of Baelgun-Doomhammer(US) Stable, Long Term Guild looking for dps who want to push mythic content. Currently 5/8M 8/8H.
*****We are always looking to recruit any exceptional dps *****
BM Hunter
Elemental Shaman
Shadow Priest
About us: We are looking for players who want to push high end mythic content but don’t want to raid on a hardcore schedule. We subscribe to the philosophy that less time playing doesn’t mean less effort or success. We believe that the time we spend dedicated to raiding every week is something important to all our raiders, and we will put that time to good use progressing.
We expect all our raiders to be prepared for raid nights by doing adequate research on the fights we are attempting. Flask and feast are provided.
To us, the most important aspect in a raider is having strong raid awareness. We value raiders that want to execute the fights correctly while still being able to put out the damage and healing needed. We do not want raiders that are going to ignore mechanics.
What we can offer you is a guild full of good friends that will push into mythic content. We can offer you a guild that doesn’t raid on a Hardcore schedule but will be sure to use our time effectively to progress to the best of our abilities. We can also offer an active leadership who is open to suggestions and constructive feedback.
Raid Schedule: Tues/Thurs/Sun 6:30 to 9 PST/9:30 to 12:00 EST optional night Weds (Invites 15 minutes prior to pull time)
Applicant Requirements:
*A stable internet connection and a computer decent enough to not lock up or lag consistently.
*18+ years of age. We are a mature guild, no kids please!
*Logs that demonstrate raid awareness and knowledge of your class
*Discord with working mic
*Dedication and Reliability. Show up consistently on time. Minimum raid attendance is 90%.
*Open to constructive feedback on performance.
Think you would be a good fit for us?
Feel free to fill out an application at http:// bit.ly/2xZ1dPU (Remove the space after the //) or Contact one of us in game via BattleTag:
Big Doinks is a newly formed guild on Zul’jin, raid led by a former US top 100 tank, looking to clear all relevant mythic content by the end of the expansion. We will be raiding two days a week, Wednesday & Thursday, four hours a night 10:30 PM - 2:30 AM ST/EST (7:30 PM - 11:30 PM PST ; 9:30 PM - 1:30 AM CST), with a weekend alt run starting later once we have a solid roster. If you would like to know more please feel free to add one of us on battle tag. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Zenrock#11443 - Guild Master/Co-DPS Lead
Gormless#1140 - Recruitment Officer/Heal Lead
Salt Factory 8/8M
Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild.
What you can expect from us :
- Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
- Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
- A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds
What we expect from you :
- Reliability
- Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
- Ability to adapt quickly
- Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
- Genuine commitment
- Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!
Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]
PROGRESSION (during content) :
- T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
- T19 - US#96
- T18 - US#165
- T17 - US#119
- T16 - US#136
- T15 - US#94
TO APPLY VISIT : goo.gl/forms/tfdRupd7SFyMPjO53
Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!
Officer Contact info :
GM : Bnet - Kisshot#1230
Recruitment Officer : Bnet - Tida#1933
Hey Backstabeth,
Our guild Stacked (5/8M) is located on the Skullcrusher/Black Dragonflight/Gul’dan server group. We raid Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8pm - 11pm EST. We are in need of a warrior for our core group. If interested, feel free to add me on BNet: CLee#1165 or Discord: Blankee#1479 for more info.
Greetings Backstabeth,
United We Loot raids on Thur/Fri for progression from 9p-12a Eastern. We’re currently seeking a warrior to round out our raid roster.
If these days/times work with your schedule, please reach out Deathfire#1102
Han Shot First – Zul’Jin is currently recruiting any and all exceptional players for our core raiding team(Tues-Thurs). We are a guild that prides itself on hardcore progression and effort, with a semi-hardcore relaxed environment. We allow everyone a fair shot to make our core team, but if we don’t like what we see than we will not be keeping you on the core team and asked to step down to either the bench or into a casual spot.
What is your progression? 8/8 Normal, 8/8 Heroic, 5/8 Mythic. We are building our team with intent to push Mythic progression and Cutting Edge.
What are your raid times? Our core team raids Tues/Wed/Thursday 9-12 EST.
What are your current class needs? Well, we currently are recruiting all exceptional players for our core. For specific classes needed, check our WoWProgress page.
Are you intending to make a second raiding team? Possibly, we are currently more focused on building a strong, competitive core team.
What is your goal for the core? We plan to be competitive within the server and push for the highest progression we can with our hours.
Do you allow off server raiders? For trialing yes, but after that you must be within the guild, on the server.
What do you offer outside of raiding? Well, we have a solid group of people who enjoy pushing higher keys, we like to keep a good amount of backups and casuals within the guild to be able to do off-night fun/alt raids, and we have a community atmosphere.
How can I get in contact about this guild? Btag (GM) Kreda#1892 or my officers EltUNkon#1352-Melee Officer, BigBert#1227-Healing Officer.
Hey there, I run the raid for the Horde’s on Hyjal-US (5/8M). We raid 6:30-9:30 PST on Tuesday/Thursday.
If you’re interested, reach out to me here, on Bnet (Zarathustra#1351), or on Discord (Druchaon#0427).
Hi there We could use a warrior on our team. Here’s my recruitment post for quick info… thanks!
1/8M 8/8H 730-1030 EST Currently on Mal’ganis(Horde). Pushing AOTC every tier with as many mythic bosses as we can get. Need a few more spots to fill core. BNet: Morpheus#1478
<The Night Show> is a Horde guild on Zul’Jin full of close knit friends with a lot of raiding exp since vanilla to include CE achievements.
We are recruiting for both our Heroic/Mythic raid team and mythic+ personnel.
If you run just mythic + and are looking for a active late night guild we are always recruiting any classes!
Currently 8/8 Heroic, 3/8 Mythic Uldir
We raid Sun,Mon 10PM-1AM PST that is 1AM-4AM EST. We are laid back when it comes to progression but also make sure that we get stuff done. We want people who know how to communicate as well as have a good understanding of their roles. Please contact me with any further info you may want.
The goal for BFA is to obtain CE on each tier of raiding.
Recruiting: Holy Paladin/R Shaman, Rogue/Exceptional DPS
HUGE Priority: Holy Paladin/R Shaman, Rogue
SOCIAL members are more than welcome to join us. We are late nighters so if your looking for mythic+, PVP and or alt runs raider, please contact one of us.
requirements: Discord, eagerness to raid mythic content, likability, not soft hearted, 21+ years old. 365+ ilvl and 20+ heart.
Please contact Skoalmanck#1772 or MrRagerxx#1349 to see if we are a good fit.