Hey Everyone,
I got 7/8M 2 months ago before i quit due to RL issues.
I am looking for a night time guild. 8:00 PM Est or later.
Days dont matter but id prefer weekdays mainly.
Legion EXP
EN- CE as Blood
Every tier after that i did mid tier mythic raiding as DPS.
I also play a Brewmaster monk which is 370. I also plan to level my other tanks incase a swap is needed.
My Btag is Shakey#11323 if youd like to talk further.
9% Ghuun 
[7/8M] -Thirteen Thirty Seven of Mal’Ganis [H]- Is Currently recruiting for Tides Of Vengeance. We’re looking to fill out our roster and finish CE before the next raid drops and we make our push to finish in the top 100 US in the Battle for Dazar’Alor.
Raid Times:
Tuesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [5:30-9PST]
Wednesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [530-9PST]
2 days a week. 7 hours a week. That’s it. All progression and farm we do will be done within the raid schedule. With the next tier coming, another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills.
Any other organized activities will be 100% optional.
Currently 7/8 Mythic we are looking for raiders to complete Cutting Edge with and siege into the Battle of Dazar’Alor with. Expectations for the next tier are VERY high and what we accomplish at the end of this tier will determine our attitude headed into the next.
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:30-9 PST, meaning 8:30-12 EST, and 7:30-11 Server Time.
The culture we have created inside our raid is something that is going to propel us into success in the next tier. Our goals are aimed very high, and with the players we have AND YOU, they are reachable. We look forward to chatting with you on Battlenet or Discord, and the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get you in and kill the Slug.
Get in touch
GM: Kameron#1822
Officer: Pachyderm#1286
Discord: The Pachyderm#6698
Hey, Ouroboros is interested in you for an immediate MT position.
Proudmoore, Alliance
Tues Weds Thurs
8:00-11:00 PM PST
Would love to chat
Hello there,
I’ll link you my spam so you know a bit about the guild ^.^
Guild & Server: <Come Honor Critties> Horde: Mal’Ganis
Raid Times/Days: Mon/Tue/Wed 11:30p-2a, EST
Current Progression: Newer guild led by CE raiders striving for CE in the future.
Recruitment Contacts: Bnet-Uther7052#1213
Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXI6amksW-KmyrelcYSEqQxmYcLai95iMuT-bsZiYBsFDbQA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Requirements: iLvl 370+, HoA 32 (for raid.) Must know fights. Must be able to regularly attend raid days. (Not including call-offs or emergencies.) Needs: Currently accepting applications for all roles.
Hey Shakeyzd,
I think < Style > could be the guild for you.
< Style > is an Alliance raiding guild on Proudmoore. We’re a newer guild, with Uldir being our first tier as a Mythic team. We’re 8/8H and 3/8M Uldir, with many veteran raiders who have prior Mythic experience and Cutting Edge progression. Our core team is immensely solid, and we’re looking for more motivated and self-starting raiders who strive to put their abilities to the test. We’re aiming to achieve Cutting Edge as a guild during this expansion, hopefully this tier. Outside of raiding, we often do M+ keys and other assorted content, including things like island expeditions and achievement runs.
Raid Times:
6PM-9PM PST (9-12 EST)
Potential Raid Needs:
►Warlock (Any Spec)
►Mage (Any Spec)
►Shadow or Disc Priest
►Windwalker or Brewmaster Monk
►Demon Hunter (Any Spec)
►Blood Death Knight
►Restoration or Balance Druid
►Restoration Shaman
Requirements & Expectations:
►Your Heart of Azeroth must be at 36 or higher prior to the release of Dazar’alor.
► Addons: Exorsus Raid Tools, WeakAuras, DBM/Bigwigs
►At least an 80% attendance for mandatory raids.
►Make sure you’re doing your weekly content (Complete your weekly chest, Islands, WQs etc)
►Prior raiding experience (preferably Mythic)
►Working mic/ability to call out important details in Discord
►Ability to listen to instructions/constructive criticism
Bnet contact: Whammy#11753