378ilvl Spriest - 5/8m (CE) XP (93% parse avg.)

2/8M 8/8H: Tues and Thurs 9-11 EST. Casual hours with a hardcore mindset and 0 drama! Recruiting for Heroic and Mythic raiding with high key groups ran daily! PST for more info!

Hey Codyz,

Gonna leave some info below. Bit of a unique situation as we just moved from another game to WoW. Our goal is to be one of the top 2-day progression guilds in the US. We are specifically looking for a SPriest. Hope to hear from you!

TKx is a long time guild that recently moved to WoW (a month ago), because the game we have played the past 5 years has become neglected and stale. We have been one of the top guilds for years and just didn’t have much competition anymore…so we decided to try WoW since many of us have prior experience but haven’t played it together as a guild before. We have quickly geared and progressed, currently working on heroic and aiming toward mythic progression ASAP.

Our goal is to progress mythic raid content, and next tier our goal is to be one of the top 2-day progression guilds in the US. We are a very determined group of individuals. We like to have fun, but expect to get progression done efficiently. Our mindset for improvement and learning is definitely hardcore; we expect our members to constantly strive to do something better: all the time, everytime.

Raid times are Fri, Sat @ 9:30pm US-PST. Raid lasts 4 hours.

Server: US-Lightbringer


  • age 18+
  • a good attitude
  • being open to individual constructive criticism
  • a working microphone (that you will be required to use)
  • good communication skills
  • always looking for ways to improve your gameplay
  • consistent attendance

TKx requires a vocal interview over Discord before we invite anyone to join us. This is something we do with every potential recruit before we extend an invite. This is to ensure our membership expectations are clearly communicated and understood, before we invite you.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact BTag: mitsuru#1890

Best of luck in your search!

Hi Codyz!
We are specifically looking to add a Shadow Priest
Proper Villains - 7/8 M Uldir -U.S. Proudmoore
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 8-11 pst

Blast (discord Blast#4486)

Recruitment Officers:

Sarrett (Discord: Hannah#4634, Bnet: HannahBee#11766) Revi (Discord: Revi#4289, Bnet: Revi#1747)
Key Guild Differentiators:

Our guild, raid, and Discord atmosphere is constructed around being a collaborative low-stress environment. There is absolutely no yelling or raging at people, no egos being thrown about. We discuss problems in a respectful and civil tone in order for everyone to learn about the boss mechanics and push progression faster. We encourage people to speak up with ideas, suggestions, and mistakes without fear of being attacked in some form.

We do not require people to level/gear alts for split runs. We do have an alt raid on Friday nights, but it is purely optional for those who like to play alts.
Thanks for the time best of luck in your guild search!!

Guild Krisp was Created on 9/15/2018, we have been raiding as a Group for over 3 Years. While establishing a laid back and friendly environment, we pride ourselves on killing the hardest content available. Our reduced schedule compared to other similarly progressed guilds allow us to spend time doing other things in game and out. We’re hardcore Raiders on a casual schedule, we take our raid time very seriously and we expect all of our potential applicants to do the same. If you’re a highly skilled player and share our goals, you probably won’t find a better guild out there.


  • 8/8H
  • 5/8M

Raid Times
(Optional Heroic Clears) on Tuesday Main Alt Raid
Wednesday-Thursday (Mythic Only)
9:00PM - 12:00AM EST

Our Goals
Establish ourselves as the best US two nights/week Mythic Guild
Progress as quickly and efficiently as possible through current content

Recruitment Needs


  • Prot Warrior

Healers - Need 1 Only

  • MW Monk

DPS - Range Preferred

  • Spriest
  • Fury Warrior

If you play your class at an exceptionally well level, we highly encourage you to apply regardless of class. We recruit the player, not the class.

Expectations of Raiders
Previous Mythic raiding experience
The desire to min/max your character(s) and stay on the forefront of theorycrafting
The ability to play all roles for your class effectively
Consistent TOP-TIER level of play. With a reduced schedule, we need intelligent and skilled players.
Active participation on guild discord
Ability to come to raid prepared, this includes, but not limited to, bringing enough consumables and having knowledge of fights we are working on.
Understand the need for criticism. Learn and improve from mistakes.
Active outside of raid times.

Other Information
Near perfect attendance required to remain on our raid roster.
We are mature adults and as such, respect is mandatory to all players internally and externally.
Members are preferred to be the age of 21 or older, but exceptions can be made under the right circumstances.
We also sell various forms of carries via Raids/Dungeons/M+, visit our website for more information.
Guild website is Coming Soon

Please feel free to contact us with any questions via in game, battle.net ID, or discord.

Totemshocks (GM/Recruiter)
Btag: Chipsandcoke#1804
Discord: Gotmilk#6567
Easier to talk during the day via discord

Hey there!

We are looking for a Shadow Priest!

We are a 8 year guild 8/8M Uldir, Previously 11/11M Antorus 9/9 M TOS 10/10M NH and EN/TOV. We raid 3 days Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 7:30pm CST- 10:30pm CST

if those days and times sound good, we should chat!

Falux#1649 or Dvexx#1490

Short sweet and to the point.
One Shot Hype - Horde - US - Zul’Jin
Raid times: Sun/Mon 9-12EST (6h total, 5 min break)
Current Progress: 3/8M Uldir
Recruiting: Ranged DPS
History: Guild started on Blackrock 7 years ago and server transferred to Zul’jin 2 years ago to help with recruitment.
Contact: liljohnny#0789, Garjay#1436, or Azoth#4016 on discord for more info

Hey there, Codyz! Untold Prophecy on Zul’jin is currently in need of a few classes for our Mythic roster.

Balance Druid
Beast Mastery Hunter
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Resto shaman
MW Monk
Disc/Holy Priest
Holy Paladin
Resto Druid

Feel free to apply even if your class isn’t listed

[Raid times]
Tuesday- 7:30 PM-10:30 PM EST
Wednesday- 7:30 PM-10:30 PM EST
Thursday- 7:30 PM-10:30 PM EST

Uldir - 20 Player:
8/8 Uldir Mythic | Cutting Edge: G’huun

Tier 20 - 20 Player:
5/9 Tomb of Sargeras Mythic | Ahead of the Curve: Kil’jaeden

Tier 19 - 20 Player:
10/10 Nighthold Mythic | Cutting Edge: Gul’dan
7/7 Emerald Nightmare Mythic | Cutting Edge: Xavius
3/3 Trial of Valor Mythic | Cutting Edge: Helya

Tier 18 - 20 Player:
13/13 Hellfire Citadel Mythic | Cutting Edge: The Black Gate

Tier 17 - 20 Player:
10/10 Blackrock Foundry Mythic | Cutting Edge: Blackhand’s Crucible
7/7 Highmaul Mythic | Cutting Edge: Imperator’s Fall

[Battle tags]
Pyro#1488 (Recruitment)

[Discord tag]
Necrosis#8407 (Recruitment)

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you for the responses so far. Any weekend guilds out there?

Hey if you haven’t found something already, <Miss You Already> is an 8/8M guild who could use some additional ranged DPS. Currently located on Proudmoore.

Raid times are 8-11 PST (11-2 EST) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

You can app at our discord here: https://discord.gg/ay3VRn9

We are currently an 8/8N, 8/8H 3/8M Uldir Raiding guild that is looking for more people interested in raiding Mythic content in BFA.

Our real life commitments keep our raiding schedule conservative, but no less intense.

Right now we are looking to strengthen our ranks for the new Raid Tier coming up, and push even harder.

What we are looking for:

Ranged DPS, Flex Heals (dps with heal offspecs), and Heals

Our raid times are:9:30pm to 12:30am Server Time (PST), Friday & Saturday

If you are interested:
Däine (daine#0510)
Joker (Joker#1423 “Discord”)
Excluded (Excludedxl#4754 “Discord”)
Rydaer (Rydaer#5583 “Discord”)

All interested raiders need to fill out a quick questionnaire/application on our website. Our website is darknesswithinguild. enjin. com/

Elevenfold [A] Stormrage 8/8M

We are looking to finish solidifying our ranks. We are a 3 day a week guild, with a player base that varies. Some of us have top US 25 exp, and some of us are newer to the game, all of us are solid players though.
The RL and officers are all very experienced.
We are raiding on a EST schedule.

Raid times: Tues/Wed/Sun - 7:30-11:00pm EST

We are currently looking for all exceptional ranged dps to push CE more quickly in 8.1.5. Our guild is also an active guild and we would like our members to engage in other activities with the guild such as mythic key pushing, assaults, rbgs, etc.

We are looking for our members to also have at least a neck level of 38 before mythic raid comes out in 8.1.5, which would be Jan 29th!

Please message me at Toppi#7373(disc) or Tommy#14928(btag).

KRISP is a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild on Zul’jin-US comprised of highly skilled, laid back raiders. We offer a social environment which doesn’t end when the raid does. We are mostly Adults or young professionals (23+) and are usually always on discord in the evenings, whether it be organizing alt runs, competing for mythic+ times, messing around with PvP, or playing various other games together.

We raid evenings, 3 days a week, Tues/Wed/Thu 9:00pm-11:30pm EST .

This schedule is for progression, during farm we cut to 1-2 Days.

Immediate Needs:
Highly Prefer Resto Druid; Holy Priest; Holy Paladin.
Exceptional DPS! (Priority but not limited to; Boomkin; Shadow Priest; BM Hunter; Warlock; Ele Shaman)
Any and All Exceptional Players are encouraged to apply!

Not recruiting your spec? Apply anyway! We strongly encourage exceptional applicants outside of our direct needs to chat with us!

Recruitment Needs / What We Want From You:

Ranged DPS - As ranged DPS we expect you to successfully and confidently maintain high numbers and optimizing your specialization in every encounter. You’re analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Anyone can press their buttons in a relaxed setting. We want you to be able to handle your business while being prepared and capable of adjusting on the fly should things not go according to plan, without your damage being severely hindered.

Melee DPS - We are looking for confident and self-aware players who are able to push their role and damage to the limit without getting stuck in the notorious ‘tunnel’. Much like ranged, you are analyzed not just on your damage, but your survivability and adaptability during any given encounter. Things can change quickly for melee and even more so than ranged, at a costly price. You’re expected to adapt quickly while surviving and maintaining your damage.

Healers - We are looking for players with a team oriented mentality, who are willing at any given point to sacrifice what is needed to get the job done. Whether it’s using your own raid CD during an unfavorable timing, being assigned to a less prestigious role, or sitting on any given fight because your class isn’t the strongest. We want our healing core to be strong and work together.
If you do not see yourself as a team player or struggle in this criteria, do not apply!

Tanks - As a tank you are a very integral part of the raid. Outside of being able to play your class at the absolute pinnacle of it’s potential, you are needed to be vocal and communicative with your counterpart. Tank synergy is very crucial at a high level and something we take very seriously. Some boss fights require the tanks to control the tempo and pace of the movement throughout any given fight. At times you may be called upon to take up the driving role and get us moving in the right direction at the right time.
If you struggle with this communication style, tempo, and assertiveness, or do not play well with others, do not apply!

We are currently around a 25 person roster and are aiming to stay around this number.

We use a loot council system to fairly distribute loot among our raid members. Drama over loot is and will NEVER be tolerated.

Everyone in the guild plays to win and we want to continue to promote a highly team oriented mentality. Our goals during progression will always be to do whatever it takes to give us the best chance of winning against the next boss(es).

What We Expect:

  • You have done what you can to min/max your character.
  • You are confident in your abilities to play your class at a high level, including all applicable specs.
  • You can both give and take constructive criticism in a mature and respectful manner.
  • You can adapt to encounter mechanics with little negative effect on your dps/healing/etc.
  • You are searching for a long term guild to progress into future tiers with.
  • You can handle a very loose and ‘open’ guild atmosphere.

Apply Here: guildsofwow . com/krisp

Contacts (Bnet / Discord):
Totemshocks ( Chipsandcoke#1804 )
Starboy ( Star#13602 )

Any Friday/Sunday guilds out there? Really prefer weekend guilds :smiley:

We’re weekends! :slight_smile:

Renegades is a Horde raiding guild on Trollbane. We raid on Saturday and Sunday evenings from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. EST. We are currently 8/8H (AoTC) and 5/8M Uldir.

The guild was formed in May 2010 with a focus on community, and we pride ourselves on balancing a friendly environment with pushing Mythic progression. If you’re looking for a guild where raiders push progression at the expense of the people that they’re raiding with, we are not the right guild for you. But if you’re looking for a place to kill Mythic bosses with a quality team of players, I would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and tell you more about our guild.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our guild and raiding environment further, please add my BattleTag, Zaranna#1449.

Thank you for your consideration.

Hello Codyz,

We would love to have you join our team! We’re looking for both rdps and healers especially for next raid tier! We’re a pretty laid back group that plays other games outside of WoW. We pride ourselves in a community that likes to have fun, but take ourselves seriously during raid.

Our guild information is located at the link below!

[A] <Mechanically Challenged> 3/8M LF RDPS/HEALS

If you are interested contact us at:
Battletag: Yuneel#11582, Kalivar#1575, or Unicornz#1860
Discord: Yuneel#3181, Kalivar#5603, or Unicornz20#3047


<Mechanically Challenged>
Progression: 8/8H 3/8M Vectis 16%
Times: Tuesdays and Friday 9pm-12am

Added you Zaranna!

Guild Name: Hogwart’s
Faction: Horde
Realm (US/EU): US
Realm Type: Mal’Ganis
Realm Timezone: Central
Progression: 8/8 H 2/8 M
Raid Times: 8:30 pm-11:30 pm
Raid Schedule: Saturday-Sunday
Chat Service used: Discord
Tanks: 1
Healers: 3
DPS: several

Hogwarts goals are to maintain a solid raiding team consisting of 15-25. We are currently trying to rebuild our weekend team due to losses during holiday break and RL issues with some players. Trial and Core positions are open. This is a Core/Semi casual team that raids weekends. Attendance Rate should not drop below 80% however we do realize life issues come about unexpectedly. Please Feel free to contact the following members of Hogwarts with any questions concerns or if you would like to give us a go.
Raid Leader:
Btag is Static#11199
Discord is xvStatic#7232
Raid Officer:
Btag is Soldier4life#11814

We’d love a skilled spriest! Info below!

Already applied to your guild :slight_smile:

Ignition is a Horde guild on Thrall that is recruiting for mythic progression. We are 8/8 heroic 2/8 mythic and recruiting DPS for mythic Uldir. We raid on tuesday and thursday from 9-12 server time (9-12 est) (6-9 Pst). On top of raiding we currently putting together m+ teams and a rated BGs group!! If you are interested in raiding with us please contact me Via Bnet @Eriok#1444