375 WW/BM Monk LF Raid Guild

Name: Karmafu
Server: Jubei’thos
Btag: Runel# 1558 ( Message me for logs)

8/8 Normal
8/8 Heroic
2/M Mythic

Looking for:
Committed active players
Mythic/Heroic Raid Nights (Alt & Main)
Positive guild attitude
None Toxxic players

Strictly Horde Player

Raid Times:
3 Nights a week (Alt Run Included)

Tested on Animals is a 3 day a week raiding guild that calls Barthilas its home. We are recruiting all forms of reliable dps to fill up a consistent mythic prog roster.

As a guild we have been punching bosses since march 2017. Previously we were casual but with the release of BfA we have changed our focus to mythic. Currently we have cleared heroic and are sitting at 2/8 mythic.
We don’t mind having a laugh on farm bosses, but know that getting serious for prog fights is a must.

Our current roster is:
Mythic prog - Wed/Monday 7:30 - 10:30 SVT
Heroic farm - Sun 7:30 - 10pm SVT

What we are looking for:

  • Ability to meet an attendance of 90%
  • General raid and mechanic awareness
  • Knowledge of fights
  • Initiative to research and optimise your toon/s
  • Positive attitude with a wicked sense of humour

For more info add one of us:
Applejellie#1334 - GM
Alata#1400 - Officer/Raid Lead
Power#1548 - Recruitment Officer

Hi @Karmafu,

Caffeinated on Saurfang are currently 2/8 mythic and are looking for some additional players to bolster our team. We raid 8-11 AEDST (Server Time) Wednesday and Thursday. If the times work for you and If you’re still looking for a new home feel free to add me on Discord @Tyriall #6074 to have a chat.

Shameless Bump

Hey Karmafu,

Dropbears of funk 2/8M just moved from Jubei"'thos to Barthilas, we are looking for new members. If you want to have a chat hit me up. reaper#12337

Hey mate, if you’re still looking for a raid team, my team is 6/8M on Barthilas-Horde, and we’re looking for another Monk with multispec tank/dps for Mythrax and Ghuun prog. We raid Mythic Mon/Wed/Thurs 8.30-11pm server time. if you’re interested, my btag is Sovereigne#11990, add me and we can talk further :slight_smile: