375 warrior 2/8M LF guild to do M+ and raid

semi causal mainly want to push high keys and raid when im not working hmu

We would love to have you in Flavour Town! We have a group of dedicated raiders that push through Mythic Uldir 3 nights a week. If you can’t make it to mythic progression, we also offer Heroic and Normal runs weekly.

Many players do keys everyday!

Hi Yoggandload,

We are currently 3/8M looking for melee DPS, would love to have a chat with you. We also love pushing keys too (:

If you are interested hit me up on bnet vickers#6622.

Hi buddy,

We are a chill 2/8M guild, raiding 5-8pm server time on Saturday/Sunday. Happy to chat if you are keen on a trial or want to find out more. My bnet id is #garion1200.

< SAGE > guild LF More for Mythic progressions & 8.1! We are Currently 2/8 M on farm and looking for more players to join our mythic progressions!

We raid on
Day : Wed/Thus
Time : 9 - 12am GMT+8

Come to join Us!

We’re also recruiting those who want to push M+ keys or anyone who just wants to be a social and chill and chat.

Contact :


happy to have you join our guild and raid with us.

see details below on how to contact me if interested.


If 1 night a week mythic content interests you, look us up - we do have a few M+runners as well that like to push