Only just gotten back into Hardcore/Semi Hardcore Raiding this Xpac, Played since BC Raiding Hardcore During WOTLK but due to Work and Family had to play casual for the last few Xpacs. Looking for guild as last guild quit raiding due to constant attendance problems.
Currently 3/8M 8/8H Still have room for Improvement but strive for the best, constantly checking logs after every raid night, constantly researching class in the effort to always improve. Have Prot Pally alt but is only around 360ilvl.
Haven't had a lot of time during the day for Grinding I.O. or Rep/Neck but with new work schedule will have much more time. Can commit to 2 to 4 nights a week prefer anywhere between 730pm ST 1am ST raid schedule.
Always researching fights, always prepared with Pots/Flasks/Food etc.
Great Internet, PC, headset/mic etc.
Faction/Server is not an issue.
Hope to hear from you soon.
BTAG: Lucio13204
MatthewRMF#1521 I added you.
Bullseye pew pew. Gl budd. May we meet again one day.
Hi, ClanDropBears - Horde - Khaz'goroth are currently looking for a hunter to round out our raid group. Here is a link to our spiel.
Current progression is 8/8H and 2/8M. Would love the chance to have a chat to you about joining us. Please add me on Bnet Eri#1981 if you would like to know more
Current progression is 8/8H and 2/8M. Would love the chance to have a chat to you about joining us. Please add me on Bnet Eri#1981 if you would like to know more
Hit me up Nasigoring#1217
Our info: [H] <Unreal Realities> 5/8M - Two Nights
Turbo Pigs Caelestrasz/Nagrand Alliance is 4/8M looking for ranged dps! We raid Fri/Sat 7:30-10:30PM AEST. Add Wolftree#1538 if interested!