374 HPally and 378 Spriest LF guild


Myself and my Partner are looking for a heroic/mythic raiding guild for 8.1 after our last raiding guild collapsed and a change in work circumstances.

we both have some mythic experience (3/8 M in Uldir) and mythic experience in previous expansions.

Looking for a laid back guild who raids between 9pm-12pm weeknights (AEST) or on weekends. LF 2-3 days tops…

If we sound like people you might be looking for please add me on bnet: Arwenemma#1899

If you’re interested in 1 night a week Mythic level raiding, have a look at our recruitment post.

Hi Arwenemma,

I’m from a small guild on Saurfang. Our aim is to clear Heroic raid content and get AOTC in every tier. We raid one night a week on Sundays although we do have an optional night on Mondays for when a raid is new and later on for looking at a few Mythic bosses.

Our raid time on Sunday is:
6pm-9pm ST non-daylight savings
7pm-10pm ST daylight savings

Optional Monday raid time:
8pm-10pm ST non-daylight savings
9pm-11pm ST daylight savings

Most of our members have been playing the game for a while, some since Vanilla, while others are new or have recently come back to the game.

We are a small group and have had to pug numbers recently, but we have cleared 8/8H and 2/8M Uldir.

Let me know if this interests you, my bnet is Skathlok#6824.

If you are open to slightly later times, we would love to speak with you!

Pirate Chat is a 4/8 mythic guild that is currently building a strong roster for next tier. The goal of this guild is to make a semi-hardcore group of dedicated raiders looking to get progression done while maintaining an awesome atmosphere.

MW Monk
Resto Shaman

Ranged Dps preffered but any exceptional dps will be considered

Optional Alt/Heroic day- Monday 10PM-1AM EST

Our guild consists of older college students and working adults. We have an active discord community and are often running mythic keys or playing other games together.
If you are looking for a solid and active raiding guild with a mind set of having a good time and getting cutting edge for each raid tier in BFA, then add any of us on bnet and let’s chat!

Battle net ID:
Avalyne#1478 (Recruitment Officer)
Nyteblayde69#1643 (GM)
Trogdor#1234 (Dps officer)
Sloas71#172 (Healing officer)

Hey! If you’re still looking i think our guild could be a good fit. Can read a bit about us here: [H] Barthilas - <Lucidity> 8/8H Recruiting!

We have a good group of friendly people that enjoy raiding, added you on bnet (Owleriffic#1951) if youre interested :smile: