Hello. I’m looking for a new guild for BoD. I currently have 5/8 M exp on my warlock but am wanting to make the switch over to melee dps, preferably my rogue but could be convinced to play my warrior if needed. I’ve been raiding since vanilla playing on guild from CE to AOTC depending on my personal life.
I’m available for raids Su-Th from 9pm EST - 12:30am EST. Friday and Saturday I can raid anytime after 10pm EST until almost whenever. Don’t need a CE guild but would like a guild that has ambitions of pushing into mythic and maybe just haven’t due to being new or the dreaded roster boss.
Thanks for taking the time to read this far if you have any questions or want to talk you can add me BTAG: Kanui#1632 or Discord Riheju#3477
< You Had One Job > is a new guild on US-Thrall. A group of friends decided instead of trying to find a guild we can all pew pew in together to create our own. Officers have multiple tiers of Cutting Edge and looking to recruit like minded members, that want to have fun, kill digital monsters and get Cutting Edge every tier. Raid leader has 7 years experience. Everyone is expected to know the mechanics and be able to push buttons at an experienced level.
We run A LOT of Mythic + and make sure alts have their +10s done at the least.
Raid Times: Wednesday/Thursday/Monday at 8 PM -11 PM CST
To apply add:
Sharkkori#1977 (bnet)
Dome#11107 (bnet)
discord- domedirty#3760
About Us:
Redacted was created by people who have a history of Cutting Edge experience and are looking to get back into raiding in BFA. We are seeking more players who would like to push for Cutting Edge in BFA. Our GM has raid lead since Vanilla in a number of guilds and looks to continue in Redacted. We enjoy doing things outside of game and hope to add more members.
Raid Schedule:
Friday and Saturday, 9pm - 1am EST
Application Link: goo.gl/forms/jueIncvMv01yrxgJ2
Dara#2639 (Discord) Darsa#11664
If you have any questions or concerns