370 prot Warr LF Raid guild 7/8 H Uldir

Hi, my guild hit a wall on ghuun so I’m looking to make a move if I can find a new home to raid into BFA. Happy to carry on with heroic and maybe move into mythic. Have usually been raiding from around 730pm Adelaide time twice per week. Keen to hear if you need a reasonably skilled tank with a long history of raid experience in a variety of roles throughout wow history. Cheers. Hidden.

Hey, I’m Moist from Seedless Watermelon. We’re looking to fill our ranks to go into mythic next tier, and I’d love to have a chat with you about joining our team

RAID TIMES: Tues/Thurs 7-9pm server time

Hi there,

If you’re up for a faction and server transfer we are a small guild looking to clear heroic raid content.

We raid once a week on Sundays, with an optional night on Mondays when a raid is new. Currently at 6/8H Uldir and could use a tank!

If this interests you give me a shout, my bnet is Skathlok#6824.

Hey, if you’re still looking and don’t mind changing factions.

8/8H, 2/8M. Just changed servers to Barthilas. We are a friendly and casual guild looking to rebuild our raid team.

While wait for others to Transfer still from our old server we have been doing mythic plus. We would be happy to take you. Our raid times once we fill our team will be 7:30-1030 ST Wednesday and Thursday.

is a 3 day a week raiding guild that calls Barthilas its home. We are recruiting all forms of reliable dps and a tank to fill up a consistent mythic prog roster.

As a guild we have been punching bosses since march 2017. Previously we were casual but with the release of BfA we have changed our focus to mythic. Currently we have cleared heroic and are sitting at 2/8 mythic.
We don’t mind having a laugh on farm bosses, but know that getting serious for prog fights is a must.

Our current roster is:
Mythic prog - Wed/Monday 7:30 - 10:30 SVT
Heroic farm - Sun 7:30 - 10pm SVT

What we are looking for:

  • Ability to meet an attendance of 90%
  • General raid and mechanic awareness
  • Knowledge of fights
  • Initiative to research and optimise your toon/s
  • Positive attitude with a wicked sense of humour

For more info add one of us:
Applejellie#1334 - GM
Alata#1400 - Officer/Raid Lead
Power#1548 - Recruitment


I’ll leave a link to our guild stuff so you can have a read there (if you’re still looking for a guild). Message me if you’re interested in a chat.
