370 iLvl Mage 4/8H lf guild

I am looking to transfer back to Horde-Barthilas and looking for a guild that needs a mage to get AOTC with. Msg me @gnorgen#1875 or reply here. I can do any day at any time, Thanks
Here at <Oath> (Horde on Barth) is looking for a mage such as yourself, hit me up with an add @ Neph#11453 and we’ll get you that aotc ;)
Hey Hurvok,

I just added you. I have a guild in Barthilas horde and we are 8/8 H and 2/8M we currently running allt Heroic raids to get everyone who missed our main guild run AOTC. Bnet: kira980#6175

This is our advertisement: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20769698674

Hey Hurvok,

We are currently 8/8H, 2/8M LFM ranged dps to join us with mythic prog.

We raid Wed/Thurs 8pm-11pm ST and we do mythic keys during the week.

If you’re still looking for a guild check out our post below

Hey mate, would like to have a chat to you about your Mage if you are able to fit Thursday and Sundays from 9pm-11:30pm SVT into your schedule. Grim#14825

Hey there Hurvok!

We are a group of returning high level raiders, who are taking a more casual approach this time around by raiding on a 2 day schedule. We are looking for like minded players who want to down mythic content, in a quick less stressful manner. Our raid times are Fri-Sat 9-12 EST.

Progress: 8/8H 3/8M

Recruitment Needs:

Tank: Closed


Melee: Open excluding Demon Hunters

Ranged: Open


If your role is not listed above feel free to contact us anyway.

What you’ll be signing up for:
You will be part of a guild who values the fun the game offers, over everything else. We value our friendships, and the fun we have while raiding. Do not let our laid back attitude dissuade you, as we still value progressing, and moving forward in raid tiers.

You will also have the opportunity to be a part of a community that extends outside of raid times, including arena, bgs, mythic+ and other games (such as Overwatch and League of Legends).

If you would like to be a part of our community contact us on our thread or hit up one of us below!

Drunkndonut: Recruitment Officer

Bullstizz: GM

Myostatin: Officer