369 7/8 H Frost Mage looking for anytime guild

Fell out of the game due to internet restrictions, looking to come back and progress into mythic and into the next patch

Hit me up for a chat. Dave#15381

Hey, I’m Moist from Seedless Watermelon. We’re looking to fill our ranks to go into mythic next tier, and I’d love to have a chat with you about joining our team if you’re willing to go Alliance :slight_smile:

RAID TIMES: Tues/Thurs 7-9pm server time - Looking for dps/healers.

Sent a friend request

Hey there

Benz Frenz

Raid times: 7:30-10:30 Server time Thursday/Sunday.

We are a group of semi-hardcore raiders focusing on 2 nights a week mythic progression.

We are looking for players to join our team, no mythic raiding experience necessary. Do you want to finally take the leap into mythic raiding, but feel like your inexperience might slow down team progress? Our leadership’s combined game knowledge across all roles can turn even the most vanilla player into a confident mythic raider.

We are a friendly bunch of lads and lass who are always looking to help our friends out. That includes you, future friend, we will help you gear up and provide you with support through this learning experience. We are looking for like-minded people who don’t mind having a laugh while turning up for some nice, competitive, mythic raiding.

Benz Frenz Is also looking for social or M+ people for those who do not like raiding or feel like they do not have the current gear or skill level to participate. Our guild also currently runs weekly 10’s for as many people possible and many other keys that people are keen to do.

You can find us on Raider IO, or Wow progress if you wish to know more about us.


Pipifly#1497 (or whisper Deathpacito) GM - Hotmilky#1257 or on discord, Hotmilky#3551 yosey#5884

Hey there,

ClanDropBears - Horde - Khaz’goroth/Dath’remar are currently recruiting for mythic progression. Our current progress is 8/8H and 2/8M

Here is a link to our spiel. [H] <ClanDropBears> LF more

Please add me on Eri#1981 if you would like to know anything more.

Hi there,

Talk Nerdy to Me is a horde guild on Frostmourne we are currently looking for players to join our raid team. Our current progress is 8/8 H and if we can build up our raid team would like to maybe try out some early mythic bosses.

Here is a link to our full post:
Talk Nerdy To Me OC Frostmourne

If at all interested feel free to add me for a chat my battlenet is Kaje#11766

Formed in September of 2018, Surrender to Madness is a mature and fun-oriented alliance guild in Frostmourne-OC seeking to push end-game content. We are a casual raiding guild going for top tier bosses while maintaining a relaxed raiding environment.

We raid every Wed and Thu from 9pm to 12am +8GMT (12am to 3am server time). We are looking for DPS and healers for our core team. Required ilvl is at least 370 and must always be on time for the raids

For more info, add me in bnet ordained#1573

<Handle It> is an Australia based progression guild on Aman’thul server.

We are not racing for world/server first but want to be a consistent progression guild, meaning we want to progress Mythic content.

We are looking for like minded people to join us in raid immediately. We need dedicated and reliable people for the raid team.

Would love a warlock and dps DK if there are any out there

Recruitment is currently open for anyone interested in pushing Uldir and getting into mythic raiding

Raid schedule:

All times are server time:

Wed - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Sunday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Monday- 8:30pm to 11:30pm

During progression we may extend raids and/or raid additional nights when possible.

We are looking for people dedicated to clear content, Players that will show up to raid nights on time, Players who know how to play their class and keep up on any changes Blizzard makes to the class/spec.

We are also looking for players to fill our casual team on Saturday nights starting at 8:30pm server time.

We also accept casual players and players who just want to do Mythic+ or pvp we are a very friendly guild who just like to have fun while playing.

We have mog contests with prizes, farming contests, mount runs and much more to participate in other than raiding.

We are currently 8/8 N , 8/8 Heroic 2/8 Mythic in Uldir

If you are interested in joining us please leave a post below,

Contact Feast, Furby in game.

Or add Furby on btag; Sammy#1911

Hey mate, would like to have a chat to you about your Mage if you are able to fit Thursday and Sundays from 9pm-11:30pm SVT into your schedule. Grim#14825

Hey there mate!

If your still looking, Aerys is currently 2/8M and are recruiting our core to aim for higher Mythic Prog in 8.1. We are pretty laid back, loving doing M+ and raid Wed Thurs 8-11pm.
Hit Me up: Treebucket#1896

< SAGE > guild LF More for Mythic progressions & 8.1! We are Currently 2/8 M on farm and looking for more players to join our mythic progressions!

We raid on
Day : Wed/Thus
Time : 9 - 12am GMT+8

Come to join Us!

We’re also recruiting those who want to push M+ keys or anyone who just wants to be a social and chill and chat.

Contact :

Welcome back to the game!

If 1 night a week mythic content interests you, look us up

<Handle It> is an Australia based progression guild on Nagrand/Cael server.

We are not racing for world/server first but want to be a consistent progression guild, meaning we want to progress Mythic content.

We are looking for like minded people to join us in raid immediately. We need dedicated and reliable people for the raid team.

Would love a warlock and dps DK if there are any out there

Recruitment is currently open for anyone interested in pushing Uldir and getting into mythic raiding

Raid schedule:

All times are server time:

Wed - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Sunday - 8:30pm to 11:30pm
Monday- 8:30pm to 11:30pm

During progression we may extend raids and/or raid additional nights when possible.

We are looking for people dedicated to clear content, Players that will show up to raid nights on time, Players who know how to play their class and keep up on any changes Blizzard makes to the class/spec.

We are also looking for players to fill our casual team on Saturday nights starting at 8:30pm server time.

We also accept casual players and players who just want to do Mythic+ or pvp we are a very friendly guild who just like to have fun while playing.

We have mog contests with prizes, farming contests, mount runs and much more to participate in other than raiding.

We are currently 8/8 N , 8/8 Heroic 2/8 Mythic in Uldir

If you are interested in joining us please leave a post below,

Contact Feast, Furby or Velissaro in game.

Or add Furby on btag; Sammy#1911
Feast on btag; McFeast#1339

Add me if this interests you bud.

Hi Autolucus I am the leader of we are currently recruiting talented and experienced ranged DPS for our core team. We have recently moved to Barth and are looking to fill slots in our core roster.

Our raid nights are Wed/Thurs 7:30pm-10:30pm server time. We are currently 2/8M but wanting to push that further. If you would like to have a chat add my battletag sylaris#1121 and we can talk more.

Hey man,

Gibborim is a 8/8H Horde guild on Khaz’Goroth lookking for more raid 3 days a week weds/thurs/mon @ 6:30pm ST

Ive added you but my Btag is