Used to do mainly M+ with friends but they’ve all quit for various reasons.
Looking to get back into raiding, currently playing blood but happy to DPS also. Wondering if there are any afternoon raiding guilds out there. Have plenty of past tiers raiding experience.
Feel free to hit me up here or Nutrition #1627 on bnet.
Hey Mate!
i’ve added your Btag. What is your previous raiding experience.
Always been a tank?
Keen for a chat.
Hi Sparklëz,
I’ve sent you a bnet request.
We are a small Heroic guild on Saurfang. We raid on Sundays from 4-7pm GMT+8 and have an optional night on Mondays from 6-8pm GMT+8.
We’re open to either tank or dps role, whichever you prefer. Let me know if this interests you!
Hey man,
Gibborim is a 8/8H Horde guild on Khaz’Goroth lookking for more raid 3 days a week weds/thurs/mon @ 6:30pm ST
Ive added you but my Btag is
Hey there!
Sent you a bnet add (Owleriffic#1951) and you can read a bit more about us here:[H] Barthilas - <Lucidity> 8/8H Recruiting!
H Barth guild, We’re looking for DPS for Dazar’alor and I think you could be a great fit. Let me know if you’re interested or just want to learn more