36% of all Alliance PVP players are on Benediction

Not every Alliance player on Benediction is a true Alliance player. Some of them are traitors playing the opposite faction on other servers that helped influence the Great Alliance Exodus and migration to Benediction. These traitors are the true culprit of the issue we’re experiencing today.

Agreed. I say whatever I want on here and I’ve had a handful people ever talk to me in game who have seen my forum stuff. That’s why I don’t care If I post on my druid who I play a lot still vs some other character.

For the most part Blizzard doesn’t care what we say on here either unless it violates something and that’s just the moderators seeing it and then deleting it. Most stuff doesn’t make it outside of that.


I made a thread about that a couple of months ago and got crucified here on the forums. But it really is the only thing that will work. Every pvp server will eventually be a single faction pve server and they are almost there already.

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awwww. did horde run out of targets to grief?

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More proof that alliance dont want a balanced pvp experience. Thats why they all packed up and left their previous servers to stack on one mega server and be the same kind of villains they claim the horde to be.


Horde dont want balanced server either, they mass transferring to whitemane/faerlina cause they’re trash players as well


adversity breeds comradery. alliance formed a stronghold that is impenetrable by the likes of you.

The majority of wow players are not interested in a balanced pvp experience, especially horde players, that’s why they’ve went to such great lengths to make sure that they live in horde only utopias, until that realm dies and they are forced to play on faerlina with everyone else and cry on the forums “how could you let this happen blizzard?? the consequences of my own actions are such a bitter pill”


looks like netherwind is xfering to benediction next week

there were overclock people appearing in bene discord for the last week or so, once they are gone its finished

they wanna have arena partners
they dont like wpvp

simple they vote with their wallet, nothing wrong with it. enforcing parity is unrealistic and pointless

Why? They own the server lol

Paid transfer is the answer you are looking for. Money


There’s this belief that if you don’t go to the server with the most players you can’t recruit, even though guilds fall apart constantly in this environment and are more likely to fall apart after a transfer. There are threads on Reddit about all the guild problems on Benediction.

Then there’s the problem with a “top” guild leaving and everyone following like a bunch of sheep. That’s basically the story of TBCC Benediction.


Bene has been an Ally majority server for it’s lifetime. I played Heartseeker P1 & 2 Horde, and Benediction Horde from vanilla launch. The current population skew is insane, and more Ally guilds continue to xfer there. Unfortunately it’s becoming unplayable as Heartseeker did, which causes the server to suck for both sides inevitably.

devil’s advocate but the horde pop of benediction is still roughly the same as it was a couple months ago. Only the alliance has gotten bigger

Blizzard intervened to add HVH to their favourite faction, removing the only downside to the faction with almost all the meta racials and majority playerbase.

Given Blizzard expects Alliance to put up with being the minority faction and being unable to do quests, farm and summon but the Horde don’t get punished for having more players it makes sense for Alliance players to all leave Horde servers and make their own.


Wasn’t Blade’s Edge Mountains fun the other day?

Its a fantastic server to be on, glad I moved there, progression has never been better, groups for everything at any hour, couldn’t be happier, we need MORE ALLIANCE, all to benediction, lets make the move people.

the bloodthirsty horde did that to every single other server with their psychotic behavior
but somehow when righteous and life protecting alliance does it is bad?