35k Deathbolt, broken or no?

Death bolt is terrible against decent players who have even a shred of awareness.

BFA didn’t have UA stacking. It had nothing. Was complete trash. All it had was the big drain life one shot from the gear bonuses which got nerfed in season 1.

The class that has zero burst outside of deathbolt, and its whole damage rotation is hardcasted and stoppable by a million means?

There’s a reason destro isnt played and when it is it’s 100% a dampening spec.

This is shadowlands bud, you either do 50k damage in a GCD or get wrecked. Stop trying to be so edgy.


Hmmm not sure if that’s true!


Sure name me other instant forms of high burst in warlock’s base kit.

I’ll wait.

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its the playstyle that these abilities foster, if deathbolt fails, wait around for another deathbolt, if convoke fails, bearform and hump pillar til it comes off cd. there are others i cant think of off the top of my head

these things are annoying to play into

and thanks for blowing up my spot, i was very much trying to be edgy


You’re not wrong, but that’s almost 95% of the game right now.

It’s not a warlock problem, it’s shadowlands as a whole.

And if you can’t shove 50k+ worth of dmg in a gcd or 2 this xpac, your spec is mediocre at best.


And this is why it’s hard being a healer this expansion. You don’t have the means to prevent the 50k damage instantly and why no one wants to play healers lol


In the case of Deathbolt you actually do, though.

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Deathbolt yes, just dispel Soul Rot and bite the UA dispel damage and pray it doesn’t crit one shot you.

Ret/Warrior/MM hunter/Monk one shots you better pray to the lord you live.


This game is no longer about skill. Just FYI

Some say that it never was.

Its not broken since rets and wars can do that kind of dmg instantly.


Preach this game is so exhausting as a healer right now. Gates opens someone instantly drops to 25% blow CDs to keep them alive wait around a min or 2 and repeat its like a yo-yo and not a very fun one at that

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It’s missing some of my losses in the 1800 mmr range. I should play rmp instead of melee cleaves maybe I’d be higher…

How bout those drain life’s fellas

No more broken than Hunters, Palas, Rogues, Monks, Wars, Dru, Mages who can all 2 shot someone when they get lucky crits.

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Not broken at all. Deathbolt is extremely telegraphed and tests the healer’s ability to spot dot’s in a way that would make it obvious. Just cleanse and you remove like 60% of the damage from death bolt. A better way to think of what is broken is that afflic locks have to setup 5-6 dots with burst and cast a spell to do 35k damage. DH just has to throw glaive and fel rush to do the same damage in 1/3 the time. :slight_smile:


Can’t wait until this state of affliction gets fixed. Completely bonkers

My gear is meh and I’ve hit people for 50k with deathbolt :man_shrugging: