350 honor levels missing since tww launch

still missing my honor levels, please fix blizz, you admitted it was a bug several months ago and still have yet to fix it. also inflate 2s/3s so people have a bit of motivation to play.

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Quick comment for visibility :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Blizz/devs pls do something, honor level is one of the few things in the game that can take literally years to regrind

It’s simply not right that years of a player’s ingame progress just “suddenly disappears” due to a random bug (caused by Blizz/not caused by the player). And in a $15/month game on top of it? This lack of QA isn’t really acceptable for a paid subscription service imo

If you’re not gonna restore people’s guild bank items, the least you can do is restore these other bug losses (missing reputations, missing gold, missing honor levels, etc)


Waiting till the day

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War is over :sob: