hi all im beefyboi im looking for a solid raiding guild.
-consistent high key pusher(mid 20s, currently 3.1k fury war and prot pal)
-goals for the tier considering its somewhat late into the tier im looking to get in a group that is hoping to push later mythic bosses or CE
-not braindead when it comes to mechanics
-spec/classes looking to play (well rounded player can fill any role but prefer prot/ret pal,holy priest,fury warrior) also able to play arcane mage,all hunter specs and boomy.
-pref raid times 8pm-12est tue,wen,fri,sat
- server pref willing to transfer if need be
-also stream on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/beeffyboii
-BNET Beefyboi#11792
if i sound like the player for you then feel free to add up the bnet or slide in chat on twitch and say somethingalso feel free to reply to this post