Update - currently trialing a guild at the moment, thank you all for the replys and taking your time to think I would be a fit.
Current guild was 7/12M (joined them at 4/12M) but I was riding the bench catching up in gear (made a lock for them as they needed one). Unfortunately as soon as I caught up in gear the guild fell apart, even at 470 I could easily beat the other two locks in raid. During the 7/12M I was on discord, watching and listening. I did get some Hivemind time but healers were lacking (part of the fall out).
Currently 2032 io - I do enjoy keys as a lock, who knew?
Did play horde most of the expansion, been playing this lock on ally since April.
Did get 3/12M also on horde as a boomkin.
Played other classes as well (Prot/Fury warrior, DH, BM Hunter all 12/12H+)
What am I looking for?
Mythic Progression - 4/12M Minimum, I do not want to re-progress on the easier side of things
Time - Should be able to make things work but if I had a preference, I would say start times no earlier then 8-9PM CST, end time does not matter, days do not matter
Server/Faction - do not matter, rather find the right home
Nocturnal Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.
Type: Semi-hardcore progression
Progression: 4/8M Uid
3/9M 9/9H 9/9N BoD
2/2N 2/2H CoS
8/8 H 3/8 M Eternal Palace
12/12 H 5/12 M Ny’alotha
Legion Raid Progression:
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare: Mythic Cutting Edge
3/3 Heroic Trial of Valor: Ahead of the Curve
5/10 Mythic Nighthold
4/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras
9/11 Mythic Antorus, the Burning Throne
At this time we are looking for Dps ( Monk preferred) Any dps is still welcome to apply
Be on time
Have Discord for voice communication
Have installed the required add-ons
Prepare for raids outside of raid times (repairs, food, flasks, potions etc.)
Know your class and raid mechanics outside of raid times
Add-on List:
Deadly Boss Mods
Angry Assignments
Weak auras
We are currently looking for dedicated players to join and rebuild our raiding guild/team. Our guild has members that have been together for over 10 years and our goal is to build a community within the guild where our members can feel at home and know everyone that is in our guild. We are a group of people that enjoy playing the game with each other and focus on the current raiding content. We have a laid-back raid environment while also making sure we are focusing on taking down bosses. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ keys and want to include everyone that comes into our guild, regardless of what the content is.
Our current plan is to rebuild as fast as we can and get everyone their AoTC and Mythic Kills, most of us have our AoTC achievement and Mythic kills. We plan on being a Heroic / Mythic raiding guild, that also pushes Mythic + and PVP as well.
Raid Times are set for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ( 12/12 H , ) (3/12M)
We accomplished this in 4 hours of raid on the first week (Guild created 2 weeks ago) [June 1st]
-8:00PM - 10:00PM EST
Currently looking for:
DPS Melee: Rogue, Warrior, Monk, Dk
DPS Ranged: Warlock, Mage
Healer: Priest, Monk, Druid
All DPS and healers are welcome, whether experienced or just willing to learn and push their character
If you are interested in our guild please contact us either by Btag or Discord
Unleashed US-Sargeras is looking for ranged to fill out their core raid team. Currently 6/12 M and best pull on Vexiona is 18%. Let me know if you have any interest. Contact DoN2#11317 if you have any questions.
Hey our guild is a newly formed guild made up of experienced raiders currently 3/12M. We are currently forming a team for mythic raiding and for shadowlands. We normally raid Wed, Thurs 9pm-12am EST but we may throw in Monday for trials/farm. We are all friendly and are willing to help with gearing and mythic +. If you’re interested my discord is Prayprey#8417 and bnet is Juf3r#1319
LFM to join our guild . Our goal is to create an environment where EVERYONE can have fun, meet new friends, and raid in a laid back, yet competitive atmosphere. Our ultimate raiding goal is to create a core team this tier and clear CE next tier.
We are a Horde guild on Mal’Ganis.
Mythic + are always something we do when we are not raiding.
Currently 12/12 H… 4/12M…20% on hivemind
Heroic/Trial Runs are on Tuesday 7PM EST.
Raid times - Friday 8-11 PM EST.
- Saturday 7-10 PM EST.
PM me @ Derpin #1190.
Discord- Wyce#0556…
is a friendly Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild. Our goal for every raid tier is to have AOTC and some Mythic boss progression whilst maintaining a positive, fun, welcoming and friendly atmosphere.
Our raid team progression and raid days/times are as follows:
We’re looking for dependable players with good attitudes. Both raiders and casual players alike. We want players who are looking for a long term guild to call home and enjoy both the game content and the social aspect of the game.
General Recruitment:
We currently are under open recruitment for casual heroic raiders. We area always accepting new players for five man content and leveling.
Core Raid
There are no current spots available for the Core Raid. We will always consider highly qualified candidates especially as we gear up towards a CE push towards the end of this tier and/or the beginning of Shadowlands.
Mythic Casual Raid
Formed 6/8/20. Under open recruitment. 460+ ilvl with or working on the correct essences. Please expect to continue to work to cap out your corruption resistance. Mythic is never really casual.You need to be working to maximize your character and improve your own play. Personal accountability and a drive to do better is a must.
Tanks: (2-3)
Healers (4-5)
rDPS (7): Need a lock and immunities (hunters/mages). All are welcome.
Hey! We are in need of a Warlock for a spot on our Mythic team at the moment and you seem like you’d be a great fit. Here is our recruiting post - let me know if you have any questions!
is a raiding guild that has been around for several years. We have players that have experience back to Vanilla and new players that started in BFA.
We have started Mythic raiding and need to add 1 or 2 more people to the current roster.
What you can expect from us as a guild:
Strong/passionate/driven leadership that does not give up.
A sense of community and direction.
An enjoyable relaxed place to raid where we aren’t going to beat you up about parses and will do whatever we can to help you improve.
What we expect from our trials:
Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for the raid.
Effort to integrate yourself with the guild’s community.
100% attendance during 2-week trial.
The drive to improve personal play.
Roll for Blame - [3/12M-NYA] 6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 11:00PM-2:00AM EST / 10:00PM – 1:00AM CST / 9:00PM – 12:00AM MST / 8:00PM – 11:00PM PST (PST is Server Time)
Thursday: 11:00PM-2:00AM EST / 10:00PM – 1:00AM CST / 9:00PM – 12:00AM MST / 8:00PM – 11:00PM PST (PST is Server Time)
Current Recruitment Needs (465ilvl minimum)
Warlock: High
Shadow Priest: High
Disc Priest: High
Demon Hunter (DPS): Medium
Mistweaver Monk: Medium
Rogue: Medium
Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.
How to apply:
Please reach out to me via BattleTag: (Anìsro) - Anisro#11547
Don’t hesitate to message if I’m on mobile – I can chat with you on my phone as well!
We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!
Hi, I formed a guild with all my degenerate friends. All Former or current CE players. We are 3/12M 12/12H as a guild but many have more kills. Forming up for Shadowlands Mythic and to kill a few more in Mythic Nyloth’a
Battle Tag: Subsonic#11215
Nocturnal Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and prospective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.
Type: Semi-hardcore progression
Progression: 5/8M Uid
3/9M 9/9H 9/9N BoD
2/2N 2/2H CoS
8/8 H 3/8 M Eternal Palace 12/12 H 5/12 M Ny’alotha