3/10M Mage & R Sham LF raid Group

Hi, I and my friend are looking for M raid Group!
Fire Mage : 3/10M exp / 90ish H log / 224 ilvl
Resto sham : 2/10M exp / 80ish H log / 224+ ilvl

Fire Mage ID : Trolloppa - Tichondrius
Resto sham ID : Dalda - Tichondrius

Feel free to add my tag or Daekun#6862 (discord)
Thank you!

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Hey Dartaran,

I sent a discord request, I’d love to chat with you!

Sent a request in discord, would love to chat with ya.

Hey Dart! We are 6/10 and looking to recruit another mage and shaman to finish the tier and 9.1. Invited you on disc #Infinight7632. Lets chat more!

< TILTED > is a returning guild of mythic players with various Cutting Edges throughout their experience. We are currently seeking a few more players to round out a mythic roster for the rest of the tier and moving forward! Our goal is to accomplish CE every tier within a timely manner, but we are not willing to sacrifice our raid environment in order to accomplish these goals. Targeted harassment will never be tolerated!

Tues: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Weds: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)
Thurs: 6:30-9:30pm PST (9:30-12:30am EST)

Current Roster Needs:

Tanks: Closed

DPS: Everything!

Heals: Disc Priest

We are always open to any and all strong candidates so please don’t shy away from applying if you feel we would be a good fit.

Every raider is expected to carry themselves positively. This means don’t attack your fellow raider
Come prepared! While the guild will provide various consumables, you should still show up ready with what you need.
Know the fight: take advantage of external sources such as YouTube videos/guides for each fight before we pull. We will also keep our Discord up to date with the latest guides/information.
Know your class: just like above, take advantage of external sources to know how to play your class to its maximum potential.

Where to Apply:

https ://forms.gle/xMStKUWaEj1byZDv7

How to get in touch:
Dax#12441 (Bnet)
BlackMamba#1909 (Bnet)
Chugs#11757 (Bnet)/ChugsBleach#8587 (Discord)

We got our team now!
Thank you for connecting us!

Hello Dartaran!

My guild is looking for reliable players and would love to give you a shot and see if we fit what you’re looking for in a guild. We are currently [10/10N, 10/10H, and 3/10M] and one of the top Horde Guilds on our server looking to secure that spot despite the competition!

Our team runs Tues & Thurs @ 8pm - 12am EST
Here is the application form: https://forms.gle/ZdTzLWBfsbBXXPf3A

We also have an RBG team and Guild Games/Events

General Requirements/Expectations:

Be respectful of others, while we have many high skill leveled players, we also have many who are still learning or not as experienced.
Communicate if you need any help or have any questions.
Come to raid prepared (gems, enchants, pots, flasks, food, knowledge, etc)
Consistent Attendance, letting us know via our discord attendance channel if you will be missing or late

I am happy to speak with you vocally over Discord. We like to speak with all potential recruits before they join, and would also love to run some keys with you and some of our guildies so you can get a good feel for our culture before making a commitment.

Hope to hear from you!

Chief, The Deadmen Guild Master
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
BTag: TheGantaGun#1518
Just add me as a friend and message me!

Hey Dartaran I’ve sent you a friend request on Discord and I’ll leave our guild info below

Look forward to talking with you

Battletag: Drochdeo#1237
Discord: Drochdeo#6966