3/10M-CN Disc Priest and DPS Warrior LF Mythic Raid guild

218 Disc priest and 221 DPS warrior looking for mythic raiding guild. Both are currently 3/10 Mythic CN and both have long time raid experience at CE level across various expansions. Warrior also has a (207) Resto Druid Alt that he is willing to main (have 10 years raid healing experience)

Looking for 2-3 day raids per week, anywhere from 5PM-9PM PST. No preference on Horde or Alliance.

Disc Priest: h ttps://raider.io/characters/us/magtheridon/R%C3%B2%C3%B3
Warrior: h ttps://raider.io/characters/us/thrall/Myrkeil

Logs link:
h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/GAWpLH7RarbfjhM6
h ttps://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/CbYBxhFH9RrLcaqm/

message myrkul#1849 or meOwZiLLa#1358 or Myrkel#6349 on discord

Bumper mc bumperson.

Bumping to the top

Our 2/10M guild would be grateful to have you both. We raid Wednesday and Sunday 6:30p-9:30p PST. Here is a link to our recruitment if you want to contact us at any time!

Still looking for guild

Hello myrkel!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 10/10H, 6/10M Castle Nathria
(9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Off Night Raids:

Heroic CN Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Off Night Monday 9:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Melee DPS - Closed

Ranged DPS - ALL

Heals - ALL

Minimum Reqs: 210 Ilvl, 10/10H

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Bnet: Destro#1898
Discord: Destro#9040



Hey Myrkel!

Predictive Gaming [AoTc 7/10M CN] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild that is looking for new family members!

Although the guild is new, its members are not. Predictive Gaming’s founding members have been playing WoW together for over 10 years and have achieved Cutting Edge together in numerous past tiers. The goal of this close-knit community is to gather quality over quantity with its future raiders, and find members that fit in with the existing team.

We are a tight-nit, friendly community of players who enjoy all kinds of content, but we strive to maintain a competitive roster for our Mythic team. Our goal is to grow and experience content together, while raiding on a laid back schedule. Our ultimate goal is CE every tier and we are recruiting to make that a reality.

Current progression and raid times:
Tues & Fri: 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. EST (Rarely extend)

We are currently recruiting a Rogue, resto sham/ Disc priest, Lock, warrior and off tanks for mythic progression but any exceptional applicants will be considered!

We also have an alt friendly or Casual Team that does a Heroic clear on Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST. If raiding isn’t your thing, we have an RBG team and M+ groups running weekly!

If interested please fill out the application linked below or for more information, feel free to contact our:

Recruitment Officer:
Btag: Veni2399#1206
Discord: Venividivici#7990

Raid Lead:
Btag: Wishkins#1359

Guild Lead:
Btag: Swagner#7414

Hello there,

I’m Syoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 7/10M (10/10H) and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST).

We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We made the move after the beginning of the tier to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are actively recruiting a few key spots on our CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!

Syoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)

Hyperbole on Tichondrius is filling out it’s roster to push Cutting Edge for 9.1. We raid on Saturday 5 - 9 PM PST and Sunday 5 - 8 PM PST. Hit me up on discord if you have any questions or are interested. Lucro#6215