3/10 M 217 Prot Paladin LF Mythic Guild

Hey, I’m currently looking for a mythic (CE) raiding guild. I have been raiding since vanilla off and on. I’m looking for a horde guild that starts raids after 8 PM EST. If your guild does not have the membership or drive to do Mythic raids please don’t waste mine or your time.

Current Raid Progression :
Castle Nathria 10/10 H, 8/10 M

Past Progression: Battle for Azeroth
Nya’lotha 11/12 M (rogue)
BoFA: 8/9 M (Holy paladin)
Uldir: 8/8 M (holy paladin)

Past Progression : Legion
Antorus: 11/11 M (holy paladin)
ToS: 3/9 M (prot paladin)
NH 10/10 M (prot paladin)
ToV 2/3 M (prot paladin)
EN: 7/7 M (prot paladin)

Feel free to add me on btag at dâwnbringer#1875 or discord at paladeus#7197.

still looking

still looking

still searching

Hey there Retreating,

If you are looking to go into Shadowlands and slam some bosses to the ground, come talk to us in Fragment! Our current progression sits at 10/10N, 9/10H and 2/10M.

We are a collection of ppl who have been raiding in the top 20-100US for multiple tiers with all of the players coming from different spots (Pie Chart, Did it for Whitney, Prometheon, Aversion [EU]), We have known each other for years and finally decided to finally form a guild in the last couple weeks before Shadowlands going 5/12M on alts.

All raid spots are competitive and we are always recruiting players with the right skill sets & headspace.

Current recruitment needs:
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Paladin: Ret: Low, Tank:Medium, Holy: Medium
Warlock: Medium
Priest: Disc: Low, Holy: Low, Shadow: Medium
Druid: Tank: Medium, Boomkin: High, Resto: Medium, Feral: Low
DH: Tank: Low, Dps: High
DK: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low
Shaman: Resto: Low, Ele: Low, Enhance: Medium
Monk: Tank: Medium, Dps: Low, MW: Medium
Rogue: Low
Warrior: Tank: High, Dps: High

Progression Raiding Schedule 7:30-12:00 EST
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday

Farm Raiding Schedule 7:30 - 11:00 EST
Tuesday - Wednesday

We take a few days off after Progression.
Decisions in this guild are always made with the goal of achieving the highest possible rank in mind. We are currently planning to push hard in Shadowlands

-Raiding regarding the first mythic day will start early. It might extend late into the evening.

-If this sounds appealing to you please feel free to contact us.

Discord: Demonslayerl#4843
Bnet: Tommy#1664

still looking

still searching for the right fit

Hey Retreating,

[Arise] We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.

Current Recruitment Needs:

<Range: Full

<Melee: Warrior

<Tank: DK, Warrior, Pally

<Healer: Full

(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Castle Nathria
10/10 N
5/10 H

General requirements include:

Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.

We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.

Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Enkazil- Enkazil#1407

Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Enkazil - Enkazil#7836

and the search continues

still searching

Feel free to check us out! Post here:


Still looking for a tank!

[The Unnamed] is a 9/10 H 10/10 N guild on Darkspear that has just returned from taking a break during MoP. The guild has existed since the end of BC, and a majority of the core players have raided together for 8+ years. We are currently recruiting for M+ and Heroic raiding and plan to do Mythic raiding when our roster is full. Must be exceptionally good at interrupts.

Raid schedule:

Tuesday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Thursday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

Sunday - 7pm-11pm (EST)

M+ Pushing will occur on weekends and Mondays. .

We are also considering an optional night for alts / gear catch up and M+ organization.

Recruitment Needs:

We are currently recruiting an off tank, preferably a Prot Paly or guardian druid. We are also looking for rdps, especially a hunter, lock, and a mage. In terms of melee dps, we are only looking for a demon hunter and/or a rogue (must have exceptional logs because we are already melee heavy). At this time, we are recruiting a disc priest and a holy paly for our mythic healer core.

If you’re interested, hit up one of the following people in-game or via Discord:

Shatter - Co-leader and Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Shatter - Recruitment (Btag- Shatter#11632 Discord- shatter#4319)

Potential recruits will need to take part in a discord interview. Please have logs from current content (If you do not have logs, please be willing to explain your class in-depth in the discord interview).

We hope to hear from you soon! I think Our times work for you also!! Lets talk asap!

still searching, would prefer horde guild.

still looking for a fit.

still looking

searching for more

still searching

still considering options

Howdy! We are [US/H][Mal’ganis] | Wipes on Trash | 10/10H.


Weekend Team: 2 days

  • Fridays and Saturdays 8PM CST - 11:30 PM CST

Guild Background:

Wipes on Trash’s weekend raid team is a 10/10H guild on Mal’ganis and we’re getting ready to hit mythic with a focus on cutting edge. We raid Friday/Saturday 8pm CST-11:30PM cst

Filled with CE raiders we’re currently looking for a few more to fill out our roster for progression. We are a group of friends and guildies who just enjoy raiding with each other so our raid environment is very chill and has a zero tolerance for toxicity.

Because we are the weekend team that raids along side the weekday team of Wipes on Trash, we have a huge community of guildies who enjoy hanging out, m+, PVP, and sometimes we get events together such as Among Us!

Currently we are looking for:

  • Tanks: 1, any
  • Healers: Hpally, Holy Priest, RSham, RDruid
  • DPS: Any, ranged preferred, melee with exceptional history or logs

Contact Info

If you’re interested please message me on battletag at

  • Bonfires#11791
  • Discord at Len#4543
    When messaging please send a link to your logs and name any prior experience you have, I’ll respond even if offline.

Thank you!

Hello Retreating!

[Cant find a guild] 10/10 N 6/10 H We are a newly formed guild with the goal of progressing through mythic content at a reasonable pace. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ dungeons as well as some good old PVP. We strive to have a friendly and non-toxic community to include anyone that wants to be included. If you aren’t interested in raiding, mythic+ or PVP, but instead want a place to hang out to enjoy the content feel free to stick around and become a member of our community!

Contact Info:
BNET: Koliupy#1761
Discord: Koliupy#4041