310% flying?

Is it not account-wide?

I earned it as an achievement from the LK dungeon meta way back in the day. However, my alt here only has 280% when I purchased epic flying. (My other main, my DH somehow has 310 flying; though I truly dont recall buying it for him)

I’m guessing there’s another more epic flying? Where do I get it?


There’s a final riding skill, Master Riding, that unlocks 310% flying speed. It’s 5000 gold, pretty expensive for a relatively minor speed boost. You can buy it at the same flying trainers that sell the other flying skills.

The riding & flying skills are not account wide, they have to be purchased for each individual character. The pathfinder achievements that unlock flying in recent expansions, those are account wide.

Master riding (310%) has never been account-wide. (Heck, for most of BC and Wrath, it was mount-specific.) Up until Mists of Pandaria, a character could unlock it for free by getting one of the mounts that used to be the 310 exclusives, like the LK raid mounts, but when mounts went account-wide, they no longer gave the faster flying. (The mount from “What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been” continued to give the 310% for a while after that, but even that was eventually removed.)

This is what I was thinking of.

Thanks guys.

I was told to reply here by a GM - I’ve got a Season 1 Gladiator Flying mount from BC, I didn’t play in Classic Wrath, I logged back in during Cataclysm and my 310% mount from BC is now 280% and it’s making me pay for it.

This thread was about retail, not Classic, so necroing it was not really a good idea. I’d suggest posting over in one of the Classic forums.