30th Anniversary BM revamp

At release wow gave you the hunter, a class with 3 spec trees using ranged weapons and pets.

A decade later, for the 10th anniversary, Blizzard was proud to bring you the Survival revamp, and remove ranged weapons to give the game yet another melee class.

Another decade later, for the 20th anniversary, Blizzard was proud to bring you the MM revamp, and remove pets to give the game yet another caster with highly interdependent abilities.

Now for the 30th anniversary of Warcraft, Blizzard is incredibly excited to bring all of you the much awaited BM revamp. Going forward, BM hunters will be restricted to taming Spirit Beasts. Upon entering combat the Beast Master will take direct control of the pet to exclusively fulfill the healer role for their groups. While this is happening the actual Hunter will become an AI controlled pet. We hope all of you are as excited for this reimagining of the hunter role as we are.


I’m ok with that, or BM becoming a tank spec.

I’d make another joke about SV being melee and becoming a tank since they’re good at surviving, but it’s been done too many times.

how is this different than current MM lol