3050ti in Korthia

Not sure why but I have close to the same system as this but my FPS is 10 to 20 less than his in Korthia. All I can figure is…this is a 15 inch screen and mine is 17 inch. Any ideas why my FPS would be lower than you see in this video???

Additional factors that could be at play:

Your CPU - You said close to the same settings. Having different CPUs by brand (Intel/AMD) or even models within the same gen (AMD 5600 vs 5800) could skew FPS by that little, and whether those CPUs are being overclocked. Individual core performance affects your FPS in this game.

You’ll also have to define “max settings” because the numbered slider bar only changes the settings under the “graphic quality” section, not the stuff under “display” or in the “advanced” section, since those play a factor in performance too.

I have a i5 11260h …and only 8 gb of ram…he says his graphics is on 10 with ray tracing OFF.

Most of the Shadowlands zones are more multi-CPU friendly.

Unfortunately, laptops can’t be easily compared spec to spec that easily. There’s lot more factors. Cooling, sustained clocks, firmware throwing things off etc. 11260h can be locked to 35W or short bursts to 45W throwing off perf for example. The 3000 series Nvidia is all over the place and you’d have to do your research on weather the GPU is an upgrade at all (some 3060 mobile models are slower than 2060 mobile for example).

At the end of the day, sounds like you have a great laptop. The difference between 90fps and 110fps is nothing to sneeze at.

Ok…in case anyone is interested…these are the changes I made since trying to figure this out.
AA - none
vsync - disabled
triple buffering - disabled
ray tracing - disabled
max fps fore ground and back ground set to 165
goal fps setting - off
GPU - auto detect
based off of seeing his settings in this other video…lol