300k for 1 month? token prices

Lots of animals dig holes.

yes that is exactly what is happening - it is all the D4 cosmetic items people are using their wow gold to buy token to apply to bnet balance and then buy D4 items.

It happens every time blizzard brings out a new game but this time is worse since they have so many cosmetic items for sale in D4 and they seem to be never ending.

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must… not… post

So when I made characters on Moon Guard, I came across guilds advertising Warrior Cats roleplay. I wonder if they would read my fanfiction if I joined… so tempted to make a druid and find out.

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I just paid 289k for my new month of game time. So yes, I’ve been grinding very hard to get it all back for next month lol

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You people and your diablos… I did world two and I can’t even consider playing it two more times

I’ve played around 6 hours this month in TW, LFR and fryakk assaults and have made 230k so far. Granted 65% of that has come from my garrisons/sanctums which I do on the John or riding to jobsites. Should have no problems making 2 tokens worth, like I have nearly every month since DF started. And I’m the filthiest of casuals. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

/moo :cow:

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Not just humans like Terraria gameplay. Who knew all this time why doggos and such weren’t digging holes to keep cool?

At least one person, because all three of my tokens I put up today sold in just a few hours.

I have so many questions for this sentence alone… What do you mean by rich? In-game or real life? Do you think “rich” and “casual” are two separate groups of players?

You can’t be rich in real life and casual… There I said it. It doesn’t make sense but I said it

If this trend continues, I wonder if it would be more ideal for Blizzard to split the tokens into two different categories. For example :

$20 gets you a 150k gold token. Anyone who buys this token from the AH can only use it for gametime.

$40 gets you a 400k gold token. Anyone who buys this token from the AH can only use it for $15 Bnet balance.

(At least one person, because all three of my tokens I put up today sold in just a few hours.)

sorry to burst your bubble buddy for there arent alot of people actually “selling” thier token… tokens are just a gold atm to blizzard =P.

So the money you make in the real world makes you a hardcore player in a game, even if you don’t play it? There’s cognitive dissonance and then there’s… this… Please tell me I’m taking the bait or something. Say sike right now!

I’m waiting for the day that tokens can buy assassinations… Let’s go full dark web

It makes perfect sense. Extensive research… Peer review journals… Good old fashioned logic. You can’t use any of those