300 reskinned TBC gear pieces have been datamined

oh here we go. Zuma the rock eating dev, explaining what’s gonna happen before it does.

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T5 shaman stuff is still my favorite set of all time, followed closely by the Relentless armor set from WOTLK



She never said that’s what she meant.

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Everything about communication with blizzard is like reading tea leaves. She called it “another experiment”. I have zero expectations that’s it’s a game event this time.

this game needs to try new things its incredibly stale just a lot of new stuff arent hits lol

Too bad they will be low quality.

Shame they are low rez, but, some of the colors might be usable for some mogs.

yay my friend told me about this and mentioned recolors of thoridal
i asked him what colors?

he is 100% colorblind

probably gonna cover up all the skimpy looking pieces of gear. my expectations of blizzard when it comes to redoing gear are very very low.

lol not sure how i feel about your event idea,k but this is a pretty cool thing. I would like to see them be upscaled a bit if possible.

Call me lazy, but I also think that if we already have that tmog, we should just get the variants that they are adding in after the fact.
Just me, and I now it wont happen that way, but it would be very nice lol.

These are so ugly.



Pandemonium was the demonic city from Paradise Lost. Reskins of Burning Crusade gear.

Sounds like a demon themed thing to me. Am I blind or did they NOT give the Hammer of the Naaru a recolor? That’s easily the second most iconic looking weapon of the expac after the Glaives of Azinoth.

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All dog :poop: lmfaooo

Except Blizz intentionally misspelled it to “Pandamonium.”

Probably pandas, then. :thinking:

I want a panda rolling event. Like the cheese rolling festival. :grin:

I want us to act out a historical play as it’s narrated by Lorewalker Cho that summarizes the various events of The Burning Crusade.

I don’t even know myself, anymore. What have I become?

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the 2hand mace thats in the datamine list with the horns on its sides is the model from WoD hellfire citadel used by boss velhari or whatever the eredar lady name was. thats not even from BC

My guess is this event could be time running old BC instances for updated recolors of loot.

or maybe wrangling up all current azerothian pandas, punting them into the twisting nether with felcannons as sacrificial bait for the summoning of many many demonic overlords like kazzak or other demons and the new recolors are what we get for slaying said overlords.

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Yeah but that one is weird with horns on it. The original is a sleeker design.

That one is probably destined for the trading post. A lot of the WoD weapon recolors turn up there.

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