30 seconds of Forbearance is outdated

bop and lay on hands are not good enough cooldowns to warrant 30 seconds of forbearance. It puts any double pally comp in solo shuffle at an enormous disadvantage. 10-15 seconds of forbearance would be a solid compromise.


They gave us 30 seconds because there’s counters, otherwise it would still be 3-5 minutes.

This is coming in the Patch on this upcoming Tuesday, the 22nd. At least something very similar.

A new talent in the General Paladin Class Tree will reduce the cooldown of Forbearance by 10 seconds.


1 step in the right direction. i just hope they don’t change their minds when the arena forum start crying rivers of tears, beacuse of it and bubble ignoring forbearance.

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Divine Shield ignoring Forbearance is the only “fix” that Forbearance needs, and we’re getting that in 11.0.5.

Forb should be gone its 2024


the problem is you have very limited utility for your other dps when youre running double pally. Half your toolkit to keep him alive becomes unusable. It also feels bad putting a talent point into forbearance reduction just to make the comp slightly playable

Sure, I’m just not a fan of the possibility for teams with 2 or more paladins chaining external immunities.

I just think that us retaining agency of when/how we use our own Divine Protection regardless of who our healer is is the more important thing to fix.


Are we not losing forbearance on DS next patch?

I swear i thought i saw that in patch notes.