30 min on queue to solo shuffle

And then queue pop, game starts and your heal is afk.
You lose the 1st game and guess what? U are with the same heal again, hes still afk. You lose the 2nd game.
Now is the 3rd game and guess what?? U are with the same heal. U lose the 3rd game.
But dont worry, cause now is your turn to win. Naahhh, cause now the healer is back and make u lose the last ones (he was an evoker and now ur playing with a resto shaman).
GG, 30 min on queue to destroy your cr and mmr and another 1h (2 queues game) to get it all over again.
Thats the solo shuffle drama.
Best game system ever



stay mad and be mad.

Honestly was probably RMT carry. Welcome to the new WoW (now with paid carries).


I’ve been having some serious 7 minute que times as a healer. Been very frustrating. I can’t imagine 30+ minutes to get into a game.

I feel like most of mine are around 10 and if they aren’t I get into a BG then it pops when I’m out.

People who complain about 30+ minute queue times are just feeling the repercussions of being FOTM rerollers. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Do you even get anything for getting 0 wins?

only a mid finger and -70 rt for an afk heal

Are higher MMR? At 1600 mine are still instant.

Higherish 2700 is pretty mid now with everyone being 3200.

I’ll be playing my envoker tonight and he’s pretty fresh rating. Hopefully snag a few insta games on him while I untilt from monk.

Seriously can you take that crown from your head.
Only 15% of pvpeers are above 1800 so that makes 2700 is not mid of anything but probably top 1% and 3200 is 0.1%
Seeing supa queuing on his druid and keep queuing into almost same bunch of people really proves that 3200 is top 0.1%.
let me spell it for you average person is below 1600. That is your MID.

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Its mid for the good players.

Its high for players like me, and you by the sounds of it.

I don’t know why you clapped back so hard at a random comment about que times.

I honestly didn’t mean to offend you.

7 minute queue time is DPS queue time around 1000-1200.

Well, it was a pretty ignorant statement even if you take out the shade.

If all dps players push for healer buffs and benefits , this will change. If not, if you argue, it won’t and the queue time will stay the same. End of story. Enjoy your queue times!

I could have worded it better for sure.

I do not think 2700 is high enough to impact que times with how many people are actually queing from 2700-3200. Not for a healer.

7 minutes vs instant was the point I was trying to make.

yea -70 cr and 100+ mmr drop

Actually I’d rather have Blizz use the bot healers from Island Expeditions over this little brat boycott. AI is coming! =D