30-a-day Instance Lock

This is a depressing change. I play 3 characters as if they are three mains, and they’re on the same account.

I have to do the following still:

  • Farm Briarwood Reed for my Paladin (Jed Runewalker is no easy fish)
  • Farm Gallant Wrists or Wrists from Scholomance
  • Farm 10 SR Wand from Jed for my Warlock to tank Twin Emps
  • Actively assist my guild Warrior re-rolls with HoJ & SGC Farming
  • Attend ZG every lockout, on 3 characters
  • Attend regular BWL and MC raids for all 3 characters
  • Sometimes go to Ony (ew)
  • Farm DM:E Jump runs for some semblance of naturally farmed gold as a healer/Warlock… no mage here

So as you can see with the above, eclipsing 30 dungeons in 1 day before the day is over is possible when everything aligns on the same day. This also restricts me from maybe dungeoning on an alt, or primarily, from helping others who want my help.

It feels bad - it cuts back what I can do in the game, which is primarily instanced PvE content. I am here to play the game and COVID has offered me insane amounts of time. It just feels bad to no longer be able to do it at the pace I want to, or expand.


agreed. hate this limitation. theres literally a pandemic going around and we cant game as much as we want while chillin at home???


this limitation hurts active guilds and active players its not hurting bots at all. I’m glad you’ve stated it so eloquently and broken it down for those who don’t seem to understand how people can possibly hit this limit without being insane for playing that long. Playing 6+ hours a day is totally fine if not normal!


Yeah any classic wow player who says they haven’t put in a 12+ hour day is suspicious. Given the massive amount of level 60s we had thirty days into the game, MOST people put in at least 6 hours multiple days.


I can confirm that I definitely am logged in from about 9AM EST to 1-3AM EST. Make fun of it if you want, but it’s what I do between my three characters, and also assisting high bracket PVPs (not included in the lockout) in part of my day. I manage a guild of 50 active people, and 3 unique raids with extended participants on the server. So touching upon 180+ unique players at any given time means a lot of opportunity to do something, now curtailed.

As part of our ongoing efforts to eliminate exploitative and automated gameplay, with scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, we’re implementing the following change to our settings on all WoW Classic realms:

  • You may now enter a maximum of 30 unique instances (dungeon and raid) per day, per realm.

This change isn’t just about bots, its also to combat boosting and non-automated instance farming. Even the original WOW Developers seen a problem with constantly resetting instances, but limited it to 5 an hour.

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30 runs is way to low of a limit. Even if dispite the MASSIVE hate for this ‘‘fix’’ is stubbornly decided to be kept, they should at the very LEAST increase the cap AND make it per character, not all on the same realm. Like you are either forced to buy another account or just not do what you want in game, a game you pay for.

like having to ration your own dungeon lockouts, AND ration it across all characters, that’s insane. SO basically just raid on your main, and MAYBE do a few dungeons on your alts.

I find it hard to feel that this is an example of exploitative gameplay. This is how I played the game from 2004-2008, and now even on my retail characters I can run endless mythic+ keystones at the top iLvl (475) countless times a day. Farming items via instance running doesn’t seem to be exploitative, or there should then be a 6-hour a day cooldown for Mythic+ also. The power creep associated with this kind of farming has already been had, most of these dungeons are older content and the insane speed clear times of trivial content are not going to be rolled back by this.

If it’s really such an issue to allow characters to go in to dungeons so much, it should be character-centric and not cripple my entire gaming experience based off of now hashing down times and dungeons run on a notebook in front of me.


I dont understand why people find players like you exploitative and are pro this change.


I can only play on Saturdays, so I schedule things so that I can play all day Saturday… This limit is going to completely screw me over. Farming SGC before raid? think again… Want to fish for Jed to help a guildy get his briarwood reed? not anymore, well at least not on weekends when I actually have the time to play… Accidentally enter a dungeon? Damn, there goes another lockout–by the way, are you counting? You better keep count or you’ll be screwed for raid tomorrow…

This change is so infuriating. I’m not sure I’m going to enjoy playing anymore if my play is so restricted… Hell, even a weekly limit would be wayyy better, I only have the time to play one day a week, why limit me like that?

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An in-game timer such as in the Raid ID window could help, right now I am using a WeakAura but it’s shoddy…already had a guildmate get locked out thinking she was at 27 but somehow passed 30. I guess she had logged out inside an instance and it clipped over, etc.

There really does exist a segment of the player-base that has been affected by this. I think I’d feel better about it if the language was more direct as in, “We feel the power creep of farming select items is too abrasive to the gameplay of WoW Classic,” - maybe then I can understand, but given that it is almost phase 5 it seems a little day late and a dollar short…

You’re not doing all of that in one day though.

Uhhh…I was, but thanks for feeling that you know me better than me.

I’ll double check my game play next time I post to be sure I don’t offend your supportive narrative of this unfortunate change. I play this much, this often, and now I can’t. Maybe they want me to log in to retail?

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Can you provide a source indicating this?

I know, right? It’s laughable we’re at this point.

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Does this seem fun to you? Honestly Blizz is just trying to save you at this point


I dont get people like you. If it’s not fun than dont play. It’s their game. They can do WHATEVER THEY WANT. Dont like it? Too bad. It’s your money–dont spend it.


The only things this change will do is screw over real players, and make even more bots.
That’s it.

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I love you man

Do u have a job?


Hi Stork, Yes - I have a job that is technically on-call 24/7, although remote. So, my work week is entirely unconventional allowing me extra playtime than most.