3 Years Ago Blizzard Broke Our Hearts

its not so bad, i have leveled many characters in classic, it can be super fun if you join a leveling community. I have been lucky enough to be on grob where there are lots of people looking to level up the traditional way.

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Then they should lvl like everyone else did. Boosts were a cash grab that negatively impacted the game.


Grobb sounds fun. I probably should have rerolled there…

you will not regret it. Both factions on this server are really fun

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Yea, i messed up. Im already 42 now and i dont think i have it in me to do the 1-40 grind again. I just got Dual Wield… i cant go back man lol.

Maybe ill use the wotlk boost on a Grobb char for wrath and level 70-80 on a fun server. Do you guys need more healers? Im a resto player endgame.

instead of buying a boost you could transfer.

demographics are roughly the same across all servers so heals and tanks are high demand at level cap, with tanks being mostly the linch pin in leveling brackets

I definitely would if i could, but im currently on a PvE server. I dont think blizz is going to allow PvE to PvP server transfers in wotlk, but i could he wrong. Hopefully im wrong.

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Or they could play TBC or Wrath.


But also if RDF was in the game, no one would buy boosts. They gotta sell those boosts.

And then arugal on OCE has happened, begging for layers because of high amount of queues and suddenly everyone was ok with it. I mean blame the players for that one…

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It was in 2019 during an AMA on reddit, I used their exact quote.


You take the boost to make a 60+ (70 them in time or not).

they make gold. gold mailed to naturally leveling alt pays the lower level dungeon boosters.

Its works. When you top off the quests so only red levels remain…a few boost/carries can be worth it. South park killing 1000’s of “boars” still yellow in the area can get old.

So can maxing out your 25 quests keeping your reds for future runs, taking on a new zones yellows and greens. Then cleaning them out when you know your temp zone is just that. Temporary.

Pay the nice man/woman say 10g a run…get your couple of levels…now the reds are yellows. No hour to move location. no clutter in the quest list. no south parking it.


You mean the exact quote that did not mention TBC or WotLK? Got it.

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classic is classic man, I don’t know what your hang up is.

They were talking about classic vanilla… TBCC and WotLKC are there own thing.

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Neither expansion was being planned, then.

no the game doesnt open unless u buy it i tried it it didnt work

So given that nothing’s changed except the expansion, please explain why TBC made people intentionally damage their own experience…

Blizzard did not ever say they specifically would only disallow it for vanilla classic and not TBC or Wrath classic, and I don’t think a single person interpreted it at as such when they first gave their stance on the issue in 2019.